Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 2, 2023
Lou’s ankle is like al dente pasta. Firm enough to bite but floppy enough to slurp; if you’re American

It’s almost the end of the month and I know I’m about to pay over £5k tax again. Pray I can opt out of funding Lou’s cycle!
She’s gonna need your tax - the NHS has got her skint, y’know - they keep taking all her money!
Apr 16, 2023
Not even got through all her stories but all these weeks she’s begged for food cus she starving.. she films all the defrosted food she’s hidden from her gifters… secondly explaining how druggies get addicted to other things like codeine cus they give you that hug feeling! (do knows cus I don’t do drugs) talk about throwing yourself into the lions den. Is this not what’s she’s done for weeks? Beg for codeine.. that is addiction But tells herself she’s as clean as a whistle. She is the definition of addiction, through being gifted, through prescription, through social media attention… anything gives that girl the high she needs. I’ve never seen such a delusional psychopath in all my life. And that is what she is… the more she spins her story she believes is true life. God fing help her. I think I’m done.
May 29, 2023
Not even got through all her stories but all these weeks she’s begged for food cus she starving.. she films all the defrosted food she’s hidden from her gifters… secondly explaining how druggies get addicted to other things like codeine cus they give you that hug feeling! (do knows cus I don’t do drugs) talk about throwing yourself into the lions den. Is this not what’s she’s done for weeks? Beg for codeine.. that is addiction But tells herself she’s as clean as a whistle. She is the definition of addiction, through being gifted, through prescription, through social media attention… anything gives that girl the high she needs. I’ve never seen such a delusional psychopath in all my life. And that is what she is… the more she spins her story she believes is true life. God fing help her. I think I’m done.
May 29, 2023
Some corkers from the latest musings of a crackhead -

“I am fighting for my kids, you can clearly see”

On wanting to lose weight - “What do I do? Take drugs, get skinny?” (Spoiler Lou - no, just don’t eat doner pizzas all the time you hungry t)

“I asked ste where he was and he said he was just on the way to southbank. Bless him. How cute.” No idea how this makes the t cute but we move 🤦🏻‍♀️

“I was walking down the street and I was crying and I fell over” SANCTIONED! (Lying t)

“My ankle is so close to breaking every time” cos that happens, doesn’t it? That’s a real occurrence, ankles just nearly breaking and then they just don’t. do off - bend over I can hear you better.

Lou on being sanctioned because she didn’t follow procedure “I think it’s a bit shocking, really!” - I mean, imagine having to have a meeting every week to get money for do all?! It’s shocking!!!! It’s so much easier going to work every day….

“I wanna work, but I can’t move my ankle much” - I mean all these people with debilitating chronic illnesses who still go to work have got it so much easier than our Lou and her ankle. 🥴

“My heads mashed tonight. Proper mashed” Just tonight girl?! 🤷🏻‍♀️

She’s confused how to use a battery charger. Just a hunch, but I think it charges batteries you fing gimp from hell.

“Sometimes, I’ll keep things in a box til I need it” - REVOLUTIONARY

“There’s so many things that I want to do, but I dunno, which one do I first?” ANY. fing ANY! Just do SOMETHING you fing shameless reject.

“It’s haaaaard” - non-specific about what is haaaaard.

“I’ve got a few questions for you. If you were going to start fighting for your children…” no question followed. ‘Start’ fighting for your children. But I thought she had been fighting? Drug addled fing halfwit.

“Why have we been allowed to drink out of this by the council?” Referring to a kettle with limescale. That’s the least of your worries, love, you’ve had stes dick in your mouth I’d be more worried about that 🤢🤢🤢🤢

Also - why is she wearing a bracelet that says ‘summer’?!?! FASHUN.
All crack and smack talk. You dream big when your on that stuff, never do it though until you actually get off it!! Lou needs a little more experience on it yet before she’s done! She will have convinced herself she isn’t that bad only if she uses now and then it doesn’t make her an addict! All her traits are an addict at times I feel sorry for her I know where she is, but also there is the help there if you really want it. The first on her list is getting rid of ste
Apr 16, 2023
Lou complaining that the council gave her a dirty kettle 😂 I’m sure temu sell them, love!

I could barely understand most of her stories but did she say she has a Job Centre appointment today? I’m taking bets on her excuse to miss/be late…
Finally mustered up the courage to watch the rest of her videos…🤢 the white cotton mouth ewww.
That kettle though lol, all these weeks we thought it was chocolate round her mouth when it could have just been the kettle scum ha!


May 3, 2023
Could somebody please translate for me 🙏🏽
Also, the way she goes from full on (fake) crying to completely normal within half a second at the end 💀
What a mess!!!
Teesside native here, I'll give transcription a go.

"The amount of people people have spent on me, [snort] i wanna pay back I've said that I'm gonna pay them back [snort], I've got to [unintelligible whalesong - possibly 'sit and hide away'] [snot noises] honestly I haven't got like anything [positive / to pay them], I'd pay it all off, pay everything off, it's defined who I am, it define [snort] and I don't wanna be like that, and I just wanna say to sorry to everyone that [???].

*Change of facial expression and demeanor*

Awh it is mashed like isn't it, proper mashed, I'm so sorry"

Translation: "I have had a moment of clarity, and for some reason I feel like I may be a bad person. I am very sorry. I am changing nothing. It's proper mashed like."
May 23, 2023
Teesside native here, I'll give it a go.

"The amount of people people have spent on me, [snort] i wanna pay back I've said that I'm gonna pay them back [snort], I've got to [unintelligible whalesong - possibly 'sit and hide away'] [snot noises] honestly I haven't got like anything [positive / to pay them], I'd pay it all off, pay everything off, it's defined who I am, it define [snort] and I don't wanna be like that, and I just wanna say to sorry to everyone that [???].

*Change of facial expression and demeanor*

Awh it is mashed like isn't it, proper mashed, I'm so sorry"
Not all heroes wear capes 🙌🏾 Thank you for your service 🙏🏽🤣

Lous Beak Lip

May 18, 2023
Just catching up on the James comments from yesterday and one thing I will say is just because he has custody of the kids does NOT mean lou is lying about him being violent and does NOT mean he isn’t a bad person.

I worked in social care and I know a lot of vulnerable mothers who have been abused by the father of their child and because they have been unable to cope anymore and spiralled out of control with alcohol/drugs the father got custody of the children even though it was so clear the men were narcissistic, manipulative pigs who could put on a “good” act and manipulate judges and social workers.

Not defending Lou here as she’s a pathetic piece of s and shouldn’t be anywhere near her kids, just don’t want people to think that because James got custody that he is a lovely man.
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