I dont even think making her watch her stories back will make her see what we see sadly, I honestly think one or both of them are going to end up dead, looking through her insta even a few months ago she looked better than she does now! Her key workers etc must see what we see surly as they will see people relaps and lie all the time,
Drugs and lies go hand in hand and I can't stand both to be honest, she is just getting worse, lou we know you read here just be honest and go ask for help before something does really happen and not in one of your "story time lou lies" you say we are being mean and nasty to you but we are not really we are telling the truth with what you show us
Why buy a plate for a child that's been adopted has she forgot that bit? And asking what to put on the tablet- all abit strange as what's a plate and a tablet going to do for a baby?!
No one wins here except the drug dealer, they take so much more from people then money, they take that person away from their families they take their home the kids, their self respect and alot of the time their lives, its heartbreaking but its a choice but that choice shouldn't be available but that's another story