Absolutely agree. Lou wants everything, however, she wants to do zero legwork to get it. Hence her getting no satisfaction in anything. She hasn't had to work to get it. It's all just scratching an itch for a few seconds.Exactly this! Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who come into recovery and think they are owed a living. They don't tend to last long and are usually back on it before long.
Looking at the state of Lou and her home, it's plain to see that she is absolutely doing no work on herself. Even if she's not using crack, she's definitely abusing prescription drugs and/or drinking. That's not recovery at all. Recovery is a commitment to stay abstinent from all drugs and to rediscover yourself.
I've not begged or asked a single person for anything that I have. I have done it all myself for me and my kids and for our future as a family. My husband has stood by me and I'm proud of who I am becoming.
Lou is a complete mess, full of self-pity, jealousy and resentments. Nothing is ever her fault and it's getting on my waz to be honest.
Unfortunately, it's worked so far. She's contributed nothing to where she is now. She's done do all, had it all done for her or given to her. This needs to stop for her to change I feel.