Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 12, 2023
Am I giving too much credit here… what if this is all orchestrated before hand. Like Lou in her wisdom with the black eye. “Let’s have a major burst up, you leave me with nothing, I’ll say I have no way to get molly a present, I’ll say I have no food, pop up a PayPal link and hey presto free moneys”
Nothing would surprise me honestly! Would he get his mum involved like that though? Actually scratch that he’d sell her for a bag
Aug 19, 2023
How does one accidentally leave coffee on the floor? I’ve never in my life put a coffee on my kitchen floor because I’ve got these things called worktops
She was shovelling pasta in her mouth sat on the floor which I believe was the night before but not certain on that. I assume from then and she said she 'forgot' about the coffee
Apr 22, 2023
She was shovelling pasta in her mouth sat on the floor which I believe was the night before but not certain on that. I assume from then and she said she 'forgot' about the coffee
I don’t know how she has the audacity to cry about not having furniture I’ve never seen her use anything besides her bed and the floor 🤷‍♀️
Apr 20, 2023
She was sitting on the floor on tiktok live shortly before all this, do knows why she has chairs lol
She couldn't do that if she really had a bad back or ankle. I know this as I actually have a problem wiff ma back, diagnosed by scans, like a lot of people, amazing how we all just get on with it.
May 18, 2023
He's a victim of her coercive control thats why
This 🙌 I also imagine he’s not easy to be around so doesn’t really have many friends or family members that he can spend his time with and I reckon he would be lonely without her, it’s not true love that’s for sure I’m not sure he would know what that feels like so probably just out of habit goes to her because he knows no different and he’s definitely not really aware of how manipulative she is!

I’ve had to come of his live, I feel like my Mum but I can't listen to that feckin noise 🤣
May 11, 2023
Can you imagine the uproar if he had slapped her? It’s not ok for anyone to slap anyone else.

Although I will be honest, how he hasn’t put a carrier bag over her head before now is beyond me. She is insufferable.
I was thinking that last night - she'd drive anyone nuts, let alone Ste with all his issues.
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