Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 12, 2023
See I don’t think he would’ve been happy it was just for a bag of weed. He says he’s only been clean for 4.5(ish) months so back in March he probably would’ve been fine with it as long as they were gonna get something stronger than that.
Yeah maybe, I just don’t see any real love between them. I think it’s just a relationship of convenience.
Apr 12, 2023
I reckon she wants the physical marks that come with it. Goad him into doing it for real, making a polite request for him to do it - if she got the associated bruises she'd be able to milk a lot of money, resources and support from it. I'd even say Carol would be offering more than moral support if she saw that Lou had been beaten up.
Yep I agree
May 26, 2023
She's watching miss reds live


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Oct 3, 2023
She once blurted out "God loves a trier" in the early days of Carol's gifting. So I reckon that it started out that way. I honestly thought it would fizz out and Carol would have moved on once she realised that Lou wasn't ever going to pick up a Bible
The only time that girl would pick up a bible is to rack a line on or use as a weapon 🫠
Apr 16, 2023
Back door graveyard bumming, back alley dick sucking for a bag of weed, I feel a bit ill slutz…. I can just about cope with her snorting and breathing on lives, let alone imagining the sounds of someone terminally unable to breathe through their nose giving a blowie. I think I need Jesus for this one.

How did she get onto her knees for the dick sucking part? “Dr my knees are vat bad I struggled getting up after sucking dick for weed”
Apr 16, 2023
Lou I know you have an account on here you need to tell everyone that every time ste goes to yours it's because you smoke weed on those evenings. It's not your methadone he stays because your both stoned and you go to the shops for munch because you have the munchies. do it I don't care lou you'll know who I am after this. In march you went into an alley with M and he fingered you and you give him a bj for a bag of weed. You wore a pink top and you had cum on the neck part. M is my friend's brother. You are disgusting and you need to stop telling lies all the time. You are on drugs, ste sleeps there for you to do bongs together. Take that ladies offer up, get and do a full drug test on a live scum bag
Can I just say …you missed the chance to serve this tea as a birthday present for the 3 people celebrating one yesterday 😂
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