Lou @Lifewithloux

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Jun 9, 2023
Lovely eyebrows there Lou šŸ¤”


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Apr 30, 2023
If itā€™s true that sheā€™s been asked to take down the TT video about the drug memory tree thing, then perhaps someone official, her support worker etc is watching her social media. Not sure a chemist would take notice of ā€œtrollsā€ when she has a prescription.
Definitely. The pair of them have given their support workers all the evidence they need via social media.

What annoys me is how she drops her followers in it when they're offering advice...'They're saying this about us!', then he gets annoyed.

Piss off, Lou and stop throwing people under the bus.
Apr 21, 2023
They are gonna have their ā€˜private chatā€˜ offline and then come back on with new grifting tactics arenā€™t they. either that or she will be fake crying that he has been ā€™owibbleā€™ to her again šŸ™„
absolutely itā€™s always pre meditated with her. Sheā€™s off to moan at mc scuba ste when heā€™s sedated and arsey. Then sheā€™s off to get the pet lip out in hope people feel sorry for her. She seems to have new followers on tik tok though that donā€™t know their situation that would be gullible enough to gift her
May 12, 2023
She was live-streaming in the chemist, she said her address on camera, the woman asked her not to livestream in there and straight away lou was like ā€˜someoneā€™s rang you havenā€™t they?ā€™ No lou itā€™s common fing sense not to be filming in a pharmacy with other members of the public in there.
Ffs neither of them have any idea about confidentiality, fair enough if you want to stream your business to the world but if I was going into the chemist to ask for Vag cream or something I wouldnā€™t want the whole of insta knowing about it through her live
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