Lou @Lifewithloux

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Jun 21, 2023
Why does everyone hate m
Think we should play bingo

*Lou says its not my fault
*Lou says we don't understand
*Ste says he is going to prison
*Her drug workers are aware she is taking tablets
*She does deserve the bungalou
*She will wean herself of the tablets
*I do listen
*I do want my kids back
*Cries and wipes her nose on her hand
anymore to add feel free bet we get a full house before tea time
-s off Ste
-Delusive Angie or Miss Red's box
-Mention Molly's birthday
-need ta pampa meself
-Going to do (cleaning/hygiene/content) things that don't get done
-begs directed at Carol
-shamelessly throw herself at a semi attractive guy on TikTok
-receive money from Ste
-Ste has his court case but feel sorry for me cuz I'm not the one getting three meals and my washing done for me like he will
-cry because Ste says 'no' to something she wants
-food stains on her clothes

It honestly is the same s with her, isn't it?
Apr 20, 2023
Okay, it's been bugging me for a while and I just have to ask, hoping someone can give me some insight.

Her beak. Where did it come from or how did it happen?

I'd been thinking wtfff for a while, and then someone posted a bunch of old pics on here showing how much she's changed. That's when I realised there was no beakiness back then.

So I'm just curious as to how it happened? Was she biting into a tombstone during her graveyard romp? Is it from all the sneering she does when s doesn't go her way?

Some days I can't even watch her stories, even when I have a day off to do it because of that mouth and whatever slop is on it at any given time. The thought that at least one person has placed his pride and joy in that beak down a dark alley absolutely repulses me.

Anyways, beaky-tea would be appreciated 🦜
It's her teeth, she's been born with dental issues, I think some are tiny baby teeth, no adult teeth. It means she doesn't have enough bone in her face, which is why some bits like her lip is floppy. She's going to age really badly, assuming she makes any sort of old age. When you look at her profile, you can already see her chin and nose bending towards each other that's lack of bone.
Jun 21, 2023
It's her teeth, she's been born with dental issues, I think some are tiny baby teeth, no adult teeth. It means she doesn't have enough bone in her face, which is why some bits like her lip is floppy. She's going to age really badly, assuming she makes any sort of old age. When you look at her profile, you can already see her chin and nose bending towards each other that's lack of bone.
Did the drugs speed (no pun intended) that process up? It just seemed to me that it all dropped in such a short space of time


Oct 4, 2023
It's her teeth, she's been born with dental issues, I think some are tiny baby teeth, no adult teeth. It means she doesn't have enough bone in her face, which is why some bits like her lip is floppy. She's going to age really badly, assuming she makes any sort of old age. When you look at her profile, you can already see her chin and nose bending towards each other that's lack of bone.
It wasn't a thing when I dated her, she did enjoy using the pet lip though.
May 1, 2023
Can anybody tell me what these pills she’s popping are for? What do they do to you apart from make you fall asleep?
The dr’s gave me diazepam once when I broke my collarbone, I had one and went to sleep for 5 hours. Why would people want to sleep so much?

Baffles me the way ste and Lou describe pregabalin

I'm on pregabalin for pain and generalized anxiety disorder and I don't get a "buzz".
I take my 150mg capsule morning noon then evening and I'm not once slurring my words


Oct 10, 2023
That was infuriating to listen to! You done well to be fair. It would be like arguing with a complete moron. Was this when you’d begun to get clean?
And what is wiz? Is that speed?
I'd been clean for years when this conversation happened.
Whiz is speed yea, amphetamine. I knew she was on it because when she posted a pic of her drug test saying she'd passed it there was a positive on amphetamine
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