Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 12, 2023
for God's sake these ppl sending him money, are they insane? The boy is on just over 1,900 a month, that's with his rent and council tax payed. And they are writing in the comments that they can't afford to feed their kids Yet the chuck money his way for vape pills and ready made sandwiches . I wish someone would send me free money to go to a bakery for freshly made sandwiches and some cakes. These enablers deserve to get ripped off imo. Idiots. She was texting him through the live. I hear lou is RAGING that someone's doing a tesco shop for him. She has said and I quote "it's not fair. I'm the one with all the followers and he's getting the money and gifts, it's not right"
🤣🤣 everyone stop sending money, make him do a wish list. Only buy stuff for men, nothing that will benefit that beast of a unit
I'd gladly but off pork swords wish list but nothing for that sket
One thousand times this!!!


Apr 12, 2023
I wonder if they are split. Ste was on live, someone was sending him a click and collect shop. Lou then came live crying saying he's horrible to her or something like that...I didn't catch the start. Then both their lives paused at the same time and went off and neither of them have been back on. Probably a con to get money and the pair of them are off to buy more tablets then home to enjoy the tesco shop someone else paid for. Both Lou and Ste deserve each other...both as bad as each other.
I genuinely think it’s a scam and they’re in it together

ste lightyear

May 2, 2023
And what did I say, vape cake sandwich. 🤷‍♀️ there's us lot dull buggers having to buy a loaf and a packet of ham, there's him going to a bakery for a sandwich ready made and cake. While kids go hungry, ste a single guy can afford to have it all done ready for him. I wish people would see sense. He got paypaled nearly 20 quid I've been told, out of that he could have got enough stiff in aldis to see him through. But no, why would he when the dumb fs out there are taking from their own kids mouths so ste can live in luxury. World's gone crazy. He'll be on the bus there later, cos they texting non stop.
Apr 29, 2023


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May 23, 2023
And what did I say, vape cake sandwich. 🤷‍♀️ there's us lot dull buggers having to buy a loaf and a packet of ham, there's him going to a bakery for a sandwich ready made and cake. While kids go hungry, ste a single guy can afford to have it all done ready for him. I wish people would see sense. He got paypaled nearly 20 quid I've been told, out of that he could have got enough stiff in aldis to see him through. But no, why would he when the dumb fs out there are taking from their own kids mouths so ste can live in luxury. World's gone crazy. He'll be on the bus there later, cos they texting non stop.
Ginger giraff joining, ain’t she got a skirting board to be painting ffs? 🤣🤣


Apr 16, 2023
Also, inthewildhouse is Aileen the child snatcher ain’t it? She commented on stes live telling people not to donate any money to him and should donate to people who really need it. Fine one to talk you ugly little rat
I’d like my £20 back that I gave her for her kids car seat !!! Cheeky cow !! She’s a fine one to talk about people scamming others.
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