Look I dislike her as much as most people on here however....
Everyone in that live heard and saw all the disgusting vile things that ste was saying to her and I will not stand by and let even my worst enemy be treated like that in their own home.
I know full well he will he back and it was probably part of their narrative however it didn't cost me or anyone else in that live anything to be kind to her.
I was gonna say the same thing.
No one should ever be spoke to like that or treated in that way especially in their own home and when he knew we were all watching.
I was proud of her for not backing down and begging him to come back or stay. You could see the upset in her face with each insult he threw at her.
It made me laugh though when he thought he was outing her pill addiction and she basically replied with an ‘oh right’ because it’s not exactly brand new information is it. Lou isn’t stupid, she knows we see through her bullshit.