Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 15, 2024
do off Lou! It's called a birth DAY not a birth MONTH. If you stopped buying weed you'd be able to buy your own food. fing Beg!
Was just going to say same thing, what a cheeky b she is, how about Lou get a fkn job and buy your own food, why do you think its OK to come on social media asking ppl to buy you food or send you gifts, society doesn't owe you if you want things in life you have to work hard for it, instead of begging ppl get to the job centre and get a job even ppl with mh problems work you bone idle b
Aug 29, 2023
do off Lou! It's called a birth DAY not a birth MONTH. If you stopped buying weed you'd be able to buy your own food. fing Beg!
She actually makes me sick. She's written 'Or food food is👍' What does that even mean? As if she needs anymore food 🤢 she's morbidly obese. You can literally see the weight piling on and it's quite obviously affecting her health.
I wonder why she goes over to Instagram to do most of her beggy posts? She rarely posts on Insta these days and when she does its to beg. Even had to add in an extra slide to say please and thank you cos she missed that out in the 1st one. Only Lou could use her birthday to try and rinse people for the full month her birthDAY falls in. Does she throw parties and give gifts to her kids and family on their birthdays for the full month. No! She could barely scrape together a decent present for any of her kids on their birthday's. You'd think she would make more effort given they aren't in her care. Yet she expects hard working people to gift her for her "birthday month". If only she could be gifted some morals and self respect!! No shame whatsoever 🤮🤬
Last edited:


Apr 12, 2023


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Sep 6, 2023
Saw the other day she was saying her mam won't loan her any money and somebody commented surely ste will give you money for your birthday and she said yeah he would. What makes her think he will give her anything? When is her birthday cause I'm looking forward to the posts of her crying that she got nothing for her birthday. Maybe if she didn't treat people like s someone may consider sending her a card or something. Says a lot about you as a person when your own family don't celebrate your birthday with you
Aug 29, 2023
Moaning yesterday her phones been cut off due to gifting, begging for food last night but gifting Canadian Angie today 🤣🤣 do off Lou
She's always coming on saying she's starving and has no food. Problem is its pretty obvious it's a lie because she doesn't exactly look like she could do with a good meal. She's put on so much weight it's affecting her health yet we are expected to believe she never has food and can't afford eat 🤯 Her phone will have been cut off because she hasn't paid her bill. She knows she can't afford to gift but still does it. 02 will stop her from being allowed to add her tiktok to her phone bill if she keeps missing payments
Jun 21, 2023
Saw the other day she was saying her mam won't loan her any money and somebody commented surely ste will give you money for your birthday and she said yeah he would. What makes her think he will give her anything? When is her birthday cause I'm looking forward to the posts of her crying that she got nothing for her birthday. Maybe if she didn't treat people like s someone may consider sending her a card or something. Says a lot about you as a person when your own family don't celebrate your birthday with you
She won't want cards unless they contain money. Doesn't want anything to do with anyone unless there's a few pounds, a take away, or a wishlist item involved.

How old is she? Early 30s? At that age, it should be very much less about the presents, and more about having at least a friend or two to spend a few hours having a nice time with. Absolutely fing sad that she'll be throwing a tantrum over everything she didn't get for her bday. 2 year old have more self-control in that department than Beggylou
Aug 29, 2023
Shes been sleeping all day but has managed to make a video for Instagram to say she doesn't know whats wrong with her but she "could do with something fatty in my stomach" but she's got no food. The whole video is her dropping hints for a takeaway or money for food. No money but was gifting the other night! She doesn't look to me like she's starving. But apart from having no food she's doing amazing at ther recovery and with her housing...she got client of the week 🤣 even though that was about 2 weeks ago
May 11, 2023
Shes been sleeping all day but has managed to make a video for Instagram to say she doesn't know whats wrong with her but she "could do with something fatty in my stomach" but she's got no food. The whole video is her dropping hints for a takeaway or money for food. No money but was gifting the other night! She doesn't look to me like she's starving. But apart from having no food she's doing amazing at ther recovery and with her housing...she got client of the week 🤣 even though that was about 2 weeks ago
You don’t grow that many chins if you’re starving
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