Lou @Lifewithloux

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mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
I had my kitten not long after her I think I had mine in Dec, she was spayed at 4 months which was Feb along with micro chip etc, she is a Persian and insurance is paid as you just never know, my older cats need micro chipping but putting it off till the last minute as they hate travelling and it stresses my one cat out, the others are ragdolls and domestic cats and he is prone to uti and cystitis, now with any male cat this is very dangerous and has cost me lots of the last 10 years the last was a emergency operation for £850 to empty his bladder as it was the size of a orange! He is my world and I will do anything for him for any of them to be honest but he is just special, the food medication etc costs me a bomb as it has to kidney and uti friendly grain free low Ash 🤣 you get the gist and he hates his food prefures the other cats food and they love his! My husband moans I feed them too much which is 4 plus pouces a day,
My domestic gingers one very slim lean and lanky he eats and never looks fat and my ginger girl who are brother and sister she is smaller then 6 month old persian she looks a kitten at 10 years old, if she is feeding them 4 packs a day that's 2 each but has she got dry food also? Mine also have constant dry food to graze on and they sit and tap me when hungry then it turns into feeding time at the zoo, mine are so spoilt they have water fountains robot litter trays, cat trees barrels etc they have the world, but to be honest they are happy with a box and a bottle with rice in! They love home made toys she has no excuse for them cats to be bored! I am concerned they are not spayed my brother and sister couldn't be spayed together due to the girls weight so I got the male done ASAP that way he couldn't get her pregnant! I'm lucky none of boys have ever tried it on with her ever when she screams the place and flashes her flu flu to them they just ignore her 🤣 the reason she still calls now you ask after spay is she was done to late the vet says, the local cats end up all round our house trying to get her when she calls! I would hate to see what they would do to her as she is tiny! There is no way I could listen to my cats mate its horrible and a owner it would break my heart knowing what the male is doing. Google a male cats pen*s it's not nice! And you can't tell me if you love your animals you would let that happen!
Sep 6, 2023
She’s posted a video saying she will be live at 10 so all her community can help her chose which online course to do.

I doubt she will be on at 10, which community does she think she has? And why does anyone care what online course she does.
When she says course does she mean those informational videos with some questions after or does she mean an actual course that gets you a qualification from a recognised school
Apr 15, 2024
So she's looking for work, but not looking for work, she won't be forced into doing work she doesn't want to do, how about I make some list's of food and snacks and print them off really pretty and all that (sure she's tried that 1 before) and got nowhere,but it's something she can offer her "community " so really what she's saying is she doesn't want a job, she can't be arsed she wants to keep claiming benefits as it's easier, having a job will fk up her life because she'd have to get out of bed, Lou my point of view your nothing but a lazy bone idle 30 odd year old woman have no kids no ties but would rather get money from government, this is where if you refuse work and don't help yourself your benefits should be stopped, you have back and leg pain due to the fact your morbidly obese due to the fact you do fk all and why should you really if everything is getting handed to you on a plate ppl like Lou piss me off and the people in her live are literally wasting their time trying to help as NEVER going to happen because she's to fkn lazy
Apr 15, 2024
She was saying the other night about going online and asking everyone for ideas for meals etc and then her typing them up and charging people £1 for them 🤣🤣
Why does she think people need meal ideas 🤣 she can't cook most her meals are take aways, who the hell is going to take food advice from her, Lou bit advice were all grown as people who have families and make meals every day, get a proper job
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