Scuba Ste has made her feel better - bet he has by letting her have some of his Olazapine. Now she's dosed up they can go and get their Costa, so did she nick her earlier one then? She's an emotional begging rollercoaster. Looking absolutely haggered. They'll be all buzzing with their Costa and brownie shortly. Then be back to miserable later on because she has no money for a maccies. The people funding her are just as bad as she is, if not worse. Not once has she said about using a food bank, she's eating something because you don't get all that 'tub' as she called it from the level of starvation she claims. I do OK now financially but there were times when we struggled and needed to really budget, during those times a Costa never once crossed my mind. If family ever offered to help it would literally be to buy essentials not luxuries. She's begging for luxuries with no consideration for the essentials. I dont even know if I can carry on watching her, I want to throw my phone every time I see her fed up face.