Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 1, 2023


May 11, 2023
When she was first starting seeing Ste after fleeing James for DV, she was living in an apartment building and Ste lived in the same block. Ste kicked her door in, trashed her house and beat her black and blue for supposedly sleeping with someone else. She reported him for DV and was put in a women’s refuge. She ended up back with him and pregnant with Alfie. He’s definitely got a nasty streak. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was. A few months back when she was first sanctioned, she was crying on stories, you could hear him speaking to her like crap in the background and she was saying I have to do what he says cos I’m living off his money. She’s not angel by any means but she’s definitely stuck under his influence
Agreed. He's nothing but a scrounging scum bag who thinks he's some hard roadman. He is quite possibly the worse person she could be around at the moment. He's contributed heavily to where she is now and she'll never get better with him there. She picked him over her beautiful little kids. Impressive for a scrawny, ugly bloke with the IQ of pondlife.
Apr 12, 2023
When she was first starting seeing Ste after fleeing James for DV, she was living in an apartment building and Ste lived in the same block. Ste kicked her door in, trashed her house and beat her black and blue for supposedly sleeping with someone else. She reported him for DV and was put in a women’s refuge. She ended up back with him and pregnant with Alfie. He’s definitely got a nasty streak. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was. A few months back when she was first sanctioned, she was crying on stories, you could hear him speaking to her like crap in the background and she was saying I have to do what he says cos I’m living off his money. She’s not angel by any means but she’s definitely stuck under his influence
I remember this.
I don’t believe that she was fleeing DV from James, he was a complete div but didn’t seem violent just a donut plus her mouth is so big she wouldn’t have hid that she loves the role of victim she would have been crying on stories constantly back then!
Now if she is in a DV situation with Ste which is highly likely because he’s absolutely vile, she would know that’s what attributed to her losing the kids and be aware of not being so open about it!
No one deserves to be hurt not even bloody Lou but sometimes you reap what you sew 😢

Temu Tat Haul

Apr 16, 2023
Does anyone know what work related group she'd be in for her uc? She said before she "wasn't allowed" to work, but if that's true she's also not allowed to be sanctioned. She can also appeal a sanction, get a letter from gp confirming her poowly cancle.
She isn't allowed to work with children, which is what she wants to do so to get she can't work

Vis and Vat

Apr 17, 2023
You know what?, you're NOT an idiot. So don't beat yourself up about it.

An idiot would still be gifting her & believing her bullshit that she's clean and in "recovery" - that's not you.

What you are is an empath who got lured into her web of lies. You saw through her duplicity and now protect yourself and your money. That is a good result.
Get it right, it's RECOVAWEE 😂😂😂
Apr 20, 2023
Re James and dv I think I believe some of it. She was too scared to tell him she was pregnant with Molly. We can see the state of her room now, I think she was always scruffy and dirty maybe the pill abuse drove him over the edge, not that makes it right. Has she ever admitted to anyone the timeline of her addiction, what pushed her from codeine further along the track?
May 5, 2023
When she was first starting seeing Ste after fleeing James for DV, she was living in an apartment building and Ste lived in the same block. Ste kicked her door in, trashed her house and beat her black and blue for supposedly sleeping with someone else. She reported him for DV and was put in a women’s refuge. She ended up back with him and pregnant with Alfie. He’s definitely got a nasty streak. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was. A few months back when she was first sanctioned, she was crying on stories, you could hear him speaking to her like crap in the background and she was saying I have to do what he says cos I’m living off his money. She’s not angel by any means but she’s definitely stuck under his influence

I don't believe James beat her, I really don't. He absolutely kicked her out of the house, because he was sick and tired of working all day and then going home where she'd done sod all except neglect the kids and get high. The rest is spot on, she was living in a little flat, having the kids at weekends. Enter Ste to the picture. I believe he trashed her place and beat her, because she did end up in refuge where other dv escapees lived and she enraged a couple of the women there because she posted photo's on facebook sat in the communal gardens and it kicked off, because they were terrified of their accommodation being exposed and their violent ex's finding them. If she'd have stayed away from Ste like she was told, she'd be set up in a nice little home now, with baby Alfie, Oscar & Molly. She chose Ste, so lost Alfie within 2 hours of him being born. In this country, it's extremely difficult and rare for fathers, especially unmarried fathers, to even get access to their kids, let alone get full custody and parental rights. That's why I don't believe Lou's accusations of dv against James.
Apr 30, 2023
Who's this been with, Dawne?
Re James and dv I think I believe some of it. She was too scared to tell him she was pregnant with Molly. We can see the state of her room now, I think she was always scruffy and dirty maybe the pill abuse drove him over the edge, not that makes it right. Has she ever admitted to anyone the timeline of her addiction, what pushed her from codeine further along the track?
It was tramadol she got I think and that started her off she was taking handfuls of them and used to inbox people asking for some. I’m not sure about James as he was never on her story but if he got custody I’d imagine he was fully investigated with spot checks etc and they’d interview everyone like her mother etc., I thought for some reason she was with ste when she was still with James I don’t know why
Apr 30, 2023
I don't believe James beat her, I really don't. He absolutely kicked her out of the house, because he was sick and tired of working all day and then going home where she'd done sod all except neglect the kids and get high. The rest is spot on, she was living in a little flat, having the kids at weekends. Enter Ste to the picture. I believe he trashed her place and beat her, because she did end up in refuge where other dv escapees lived and she enraged a couple of the women there because she posted photo's on facebook sat in the communal gardens and it kicked off, because they were terrified of their accommodation being exposed and their violent ex's finding them. If she'd have stayed away from Ste like she was told, she'd be set up in a nice little home now, with baby Alfie, Oscar & Molly. She chose Ste, so lost Alfie within 2 hours of him being born. In this country, it's extremely difficult and rare for fathers, especially unmarried fathers, to even get access to their kids, let alone get full custody and parental rights. That's why I don't believe Lou's accusations of dv against James.
Yes I’d agree regarding James there it’s very rare and he’d have had to jump through more hoops than she would . She also is allowed see them but chooses not to
Apr 20, 2023
It was tramadol she got I think and that started her off she was taking handfuls of them and used to inbox people asking for some. I’m not sure about James as he was never on her story but if he got custody I’d imagine he was fully investigated with spot checks etc and they’d interview everyone like her mother etc., I thought for some reason she was with ste when she was still with James I don’t know why
The face picking was drugs I reckon. And why was Carol sending them Christmas presents for the kids, she started lou's begging behaviour. James went along with that, and laughed about her faked suicide. But if he's OK with the kids...
Remember her fweezer door being *accidentally* left open every week 🤣 it's still a long fall, she lives like a homeless person now, amazing. Ooh, just remembered, she was crying on her stories about Oscar's teacher telling her she had to make an effort with her speech because Oscar had picked it up. No mention that it was a speech impediment.


May 5, 2023
I don't believe James beat her, I really don't. He absolutely kicked her out of the house, because he was sick and tired of working all day and then going home where she'd done sod all except neglect the kids and get high. The rest is spot on, she was living in a little flat, having the kids at weekends. Enter Ste to the picture. I believe he trashed her place and beat her, because she did end up in refuge where other dv escapees lived and she enraged a couple of the women there because she posted photo's on facebook sat in the communal gardens and it kicked off, because they were terrified of their accommodation being exposed and their violent ex's finding them. If she'd have stayed away from Ste like she was told, she'd be set up in a nice little home now, with baby Alfie, Oscar & Molly. She chose Ste, so lost Alfie within 2 hours of him being born. In this country, it's extremely difficult and rare for fathers, especially unmarried fathers, to even get access to their kids, let alone get full custody and parental rights. That's why I don't believe Lou's accusations of dv against James.
I agree with this 100% my husband took his ex wife to court for custody of his 2 children. He had evidence of drug use, alcohol dependency, self harm, child neglect, a revolving door on her knickers and suicide attempts. They were married when they were born and he had full parental rights yet he only got joint custody. We went through mediation, CAMHS, social services and CAFCAS. She never turned up to court and reused all recommended interventions For James to get full custody and Beggy Lou to not even get visitation there mustve been some serious evidence
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