Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

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The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
She’s definitely not very stable to be honest I don’t know how she got sent to hospital 2 times and home again and to have no shame to sit and blame others and then go to their place of work and she won’t be so quick to post about that.
I didn’t hear that before that she had been recording in the back of someone’s house but I’m sure her behaviour this last few days has left her neighbours on edge as you never know what she’s going to accuse you of 😳

I did reply asking for a public apology for the 3 of us, but she replied on a different Facebook profile saying she won't publicly apologize as she didn't mention our names even though admitted everyone knows it's us she is accusing. Then sent a 3rd message basically telling me not to watch her tiktoks from other accounts??? And it looks like we have been set up.
she did mention Samantha’s name yesterday she said she was watching her when she was playing with one of the twins she basically said where yous lived. She has some cheek hasn’t she

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
Is there ever going to be an end to her antics i mean is there not one person in the world that could make her see sense and if the neighbours are that bad is there not like a mediation service that could bloody help
It’s not the neighbours believe me the rest of the neighbours mind their own business and get on with their lives. I was the one who said my kids were traumatised and she blamed someone else she doesn’t know who I am but she’s a nightmare no one bothers her or bullies her or trolls her she makes it up to get attention I actually think everyone is very tolerant of her a lot more than many places would and all she does is cause chaos for everyone

I did reply asking for a public apology for the 3 of us, but she replied on a different Facebook profile saying she won't publicly apologize as she didn't mention our names even though admitted everyone knows it's us she is accusing. Then sent a 3rd message basically telling me not to watch her tiktoks from other accounts??? And it looks like we have been set up.
is she telling you someone see you up? Sure it was her who jumped to conclusions she was shouting away from the beginning saying I know who it is but I’m curious as to her she is on about like what is she accusing people of because I’ve seen nothing that’s in any way wrong or telling lies about her in fact people are too nice about her


May 8, 2024
N ireland
The women thinks the world owes her something cos sadly she did loose a child but there's many that have an don't act like her .. I would love to know the truth behind that man makes me wonder if he is as bad as she made out tried to off her and starved her for weeks? She's told so many lies on people so maybe what she said about him is also a lie?
I doubt she would just sit there for weeks starving lol. If she had no money she could have went to her mum for dinner. Wat a load of rubbish


May 6, 2024
The women thinks the world owes her something cos sadly she did loose a child but there's many that have an don't act like her .. I would love to know the truth behind that man makes me wonder if he is as bad as she made out tried to off her and starved her for weeks? She's told so many lies on people so maybe what she said about him is also a lie?
She needs to get a job. Get a hobby and try and get on with her life. I also lost a child much further on than her. I work, go to gym have hobbies I certainly don't wallow nor do I broadcast it. It is what it is. Life goes on and you have to help yourself. Her buying toys etc and having parties is 100% not healthy. She is stuck in a time machine. She doesn't want to get help, she wants to be the victim all her life.
Jun 8, 2023
I’m hoping someone from nearer her than I am can this question why in the name of god is Jodie and the twins allowed near her

That was something I pondered. Free babysitter by the looks of things, she gives them an abundance of crap to buy their time. I wouldnt let her look after a houseplant let alone a pet or child.
May 6, 2024
Is there any truth
Anyone know him? Know if he’s got other kids now etc?
Don't know him,he has a daughter,often heard mad sabrina say,"jamie has wee sister),according to wat she said,he his away from the mother,snd dosent bother much about the child.
She Also said he never bought jamie any thing in life,well I'm sorry to b rude"wat does he need?",may b a wee bush of flowers, for his birthday,etc.
May 6, 2024
She needs to get a job. Get a hobby and try and get on with her life. I also lost a child much further on than her. I work, go to gym have hobbies I certainly don't wallow nor do I broadcast it. It is what it is. Life goes on and you have to help yourself. Her buying toys etc and having parties is 100% not healthy. She is stuck in a time machine. She doesn't want to get help, she wants to be the victim all her life.
Couldn’t agree with this comment anymore! It’s spot on. Sorry for your loss x
May 6, 2024
Northern Ireland
Is there ever going to be an end to her antics i mean is there not one person in the world that could make her see sense and if the neighbours are that bad is there not like a mediation service that could bloody help

Maybe the police landing at her door yesterday will have scared her and make her wise up , she deleted soooo many TikTok’s lol
May 6, 2024
The Girl has mental health issues and until she accepts she needs help she will continue she thinks she has friends but in reality most off them are using her losing Jamie clearly sent her to the edge and the manic behaviour is getting worst
People who use her to watch their kids and buy them gifts are enabling her behaviour
I agree, these people playing into her behaviour are just as bad. How she behaves isn’t normal. Constantly buying for a child she doesn’t have, and throwing birthday parties every year just isn’t healthy at all. Everyone grieves and moves on but she is just stuck in one place and it’s bloody scary. Telling herself that he sends her signs about what he wants for his birthday etc, it’s mental. She really does need to accept he isn’t there and move on and try and do something with her life other than the same boring thing, ordering boxes of toys and sitting on tik tok talking se.


May 6, 2024
northern ireland

I did reply asking for a public apology for the 3 of us, but she replied on a different Facebook profile saying she won't publicly apologize as she didn't mention our names even though admitted everyone knows it's us she is accusing. Then sent a 3rd message basically telling me not to watch her tiktoks from other accounts??? And it looks like we have been set up.
She really is some piece of work!! Only Sabrina can go through hell but she fails to mention all the hell she puts others through!!! I’ve watched a few posts of hers over the years and even I knew she was on about you your mum and Samantha so she’s fooling nobody
May 6, 2024
Wondering how she will come back?

Just appear. Same as usual, as if nothing has happened?
Blaze of glory/ tales of persecution?
Start of gently, business as usual within a couple of day?
I’m amazed she’s managed to go this long without posting! She’s already made her new back up account public.


May 6, 2024
northern ireland
Wondering how she will come back?

Just appear. Same as usual, as if nothing has happened?
Blaze of glory/ tales of persecution?
Start of gently, business as usual within a couple of day?
Oh she will come back with that sweet voice she puts on then she will get a comment that brings the venom out in her! She still believes she’s done nothing wrong
I’m amazed she’s managed to go this long without posting! She’s already made her new back up account public.
So she has upto 648 followers! Does she think this new account is her clean slate?
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