Sabrinaandmygirls (SabrinaJamieandLogan)

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May 9, 2024
Keith is the guy that gave her the tv and Xbox a while back for Jamie’s room. Sending her gifts on live. That squeaky hyper voice is shocking. She defo has some sort of personality disorder
She was obsessed with Keith for a while! Was quite disturbing! He keeps her at arms length! Or it would be another baby reindeer on our hands 😂
May 6, 2024
Northern Ireland
It was her friend at the time, Tracey that gave her the TV. Then of course they fell out but I think it was more she fell out with Tracey over a misunderstanding with a reborn, all one sided, Tracey slagged to the hilt when I don’t think she did anything wrong tbh. Love to know the details lol

Oh apologies I thought Keith supplied the tv too 😂

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
Oh do me here she goes again back to business as usual. Police are coming out apparently
Why are the police coming sure she posts videos of the front and back of her house and everyone else’s lol has anyone a fake account that could comment what about the police going to you for blaming people in the wrong lol

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
She’s actually hilarious anything to get attention no one cares Sabrina she shares videos of where she lives there’s only one park in omagh has a bonfire and shows that and she also shows neighbours cars maybe they need to be reporting her? The way she kept saying I’m not doing no harm the police told her to stay of social media but there she is complaining away
May 6, 2024
She’s actually hilarious anything to get attention no one cares Sabrina she shares videos of where she lives there’s only one park in omagh has a bonfire and shows that and she also shows neighbours cars maybe they need to be reporting her? The way she kept saying I’m not doing no harm the police told her to stay of social media but there she is complaining away
I bet the police are drawing straws to see who has to go out to her😂 they’ve clearly sussed that she’s mad and have told her only a few days ago to stay off social media, yet here she is calling them up wasting their time again all because she’s an attention seeker.

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
I bet the police are drawing straws to see who has to go out to her😂 they’ve clearly sussed that she’s mad and have told her only a few days ago to stay off social media, yet here she is calling them up wasting their time again all because she’s an attention seeker.
She should be arrested for wasting their time and they will soon catch on that she’s an attention seeker, the drama of her is unreal lol and her shows all the houses in that park when she is having the birthday parties does she forget that lol

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
Another rant up has some cheek as I know for a fact she has shown the number plate of a car of someone who lives up there who moved there away to get away from someone , she’s taking about not feeling safe in her home now she knows how her neighbours feel and if this is bullying why is she not posting the comments on tik tok? I know I would if someone was bullying me. Funny that isn’t it she doesn’t show anyone what’s being said.
May 6, 2024
Northern Ireland
Another rant up has some cheek as I know for a fact she has shown the number plate of a car of someone who lives up there who moved there away to get away from someone , she’s taking about not feeling safe in her home now she knows how her neighbours feel and if this is bullying why is she not posting the comments on tik tok? I know I would if someone was bullying me. Funny that isn’t it she doesn’t show anyone what’s being said.

Omg she’s hoping this person gets a stern talking to from police,so tempted to write ‘oh like the stern talking to you got the other night after walking into someone’s place of work and falsely accuse them of trolling you’


May 6, 2024
northern ireland
Sabrina’s new word for today doxxing 😂😂😂

You’ve doxxed yourself thousands of times 🙄🙄

Blocked comments yesterday about you going to an innocent persons place of work didnt you? Again trying to silence the truth cos it suits your I am the victim narrative! How long have you been playing the bullying and trolling card again? 2012 was it? Now in 2024 you’ve a new word to add to your sympathy attention seeking posts! I’ve been trolled bullied and doxxed can hear the rants already
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May 6, 2024
Northern Ireland
Sabrina’s new word for today doxxing 😂😂😂

You’ve doxxed yourself thousands of times 🙄🙄

Blocked comments yesterday about you going to an innocent persons place of work didnt you? Again trying to silence the truth cos it suits your I am the victim narrative! How long have you been playing the bullying and trolling card again? 2012 was it? Now in 2024 you’ve a new word to add to your sympathy attention seeking posts! I’ve been trolled bullied and doxxed can hear the rants already

The way she sounds words out is really annoying . I have Misophonia which doesn’t help , the amount of doxxxxxxing doxed doxy doxy doxing coming out of her mouth is mental. Alot of the words she says hurts my ears 🥹who is this ‘H’ person anyway 😂

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
I find it hard to believe that they wont look at her videos, or here, or Tattle and soon get the measure of her. The police are far from stupid, they need to be seen to be smoothing things over with her when they are there but they will have done their homework.
That’s what I wonder too why are people not asking what’s being said? The way she said I’m being trolled and bullied so I am 😂 I was thinking who are you trying convince yourself or others

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
Omg she’s hoping this person gets a stern talking to from police,so tempted to write ‘oh like the stern talking to you got the other night after walking into someone’s place of work and falsely accuse them of trolling you’
That bit made laugh too if I was the girls
She accused in the wrong I would be posting it on my social media lol but then I think with Sabrina she would love that more to play the victim about
May 6, 2024
Surely anyone with a bit of sense has heard her moaning about this site and has come over to read. Anyone left kissing her ass I’m convinced are just as nuts as her. I can’t believe she said imagine being a grown ass adult and having to get a telling off. Ah hello!? Sabrina if you’re reading here you were a grown ass adult being told off by police for harassing someone at their place of work! You want to feel safe in your home? Well that person deserves to feel safe at their place of work. You’re nothing but a big drama queen. Couldn’t even last a week with your turning over a new leaf could you. Back to sitting in your pyjamas shouting and complaining for attention again!
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