Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

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Apr 21, 2024
The world
Back in January, she had revealed she was down to £2,000. Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s even less now. She really is down to some freebies, HF and TikTok shop stuff. She still gets the odd ad opportunity here and there but nothing regular. Even Sheeeeen seems to have dropped her. It will be very telling when we see how many holidays they go on next year.
£2000 per month as an influencer is not much at all! That’s less than some peoples salaries who actually work. I can guarantee by the end of the year she will be back working part time somewhere when the deals are lost quicker than they’re coming in and I’m here for it!


Mar 2, 2024
That reply to the video. When someone says they hope a grape gets stuck in Elas windpipe. At the end when she says hope you feel this message. She literally looks so evil.

I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to Ela but why didn't she just delete and block that comment & person. Just like she does with everyone else. She only replied for extra content. Sick b
Totally agree with you. She deletes and blocks all other comments without the need to post a reply. Don't wish anything so horrible on the girl as none of us here do but sorry she made that post to get attention and sympathy. So yes once again using her daughter for engagement. As for her face. It's really not a good look. She looks so nasty.


Mar 28, 2024
You do NOT SUFFER WITH LOW CONFIDENCE Sevda. Everyone with 2 brain cells who have followed you knows that. Its just the unintelligent misfits who go with that you say. IF you suffered low confidence, you would NOT even try on those dresses and post yourself in them. You know they show up the one leg that’s bigger than the other, your flabby inner thighs, fat knees, knock-knees, bat wing flabby arms and HUGE feet!! I’m not suggesting you should not show those things. I’m simply saying do NOT pretend it’s ’low confidence’ that is stopping you - as you would not even consider wearing them at all if you had low confidence. YOU JUST FEEL THE NEED FOR A LOAD OF NICE COMMENTS COMING YOUR WAY! But all who are watching and have a brain KNOW this is what you do and that all those “Oh you’re so stunning Sevda!” comments are from dimwits and misfits 😂


Mar 28, 2024
Totally agree with you. She deletes and blocks all other comments without the need to post a reply. Don't wish anything so horrible on the girl as none of us here do but sorry she made that post to get attention and sympathy. So yes once again using her daughter for engagement. As for her face. It's really not a good look. She looks so nasty.
I agree 💯! It’s a stunt to get attention & sympathy. And YES, she looks TERRIBLE, NASTY, OLD AND HAGGARD more than usual on that video. I felt like I was seeing the real Sevda how she is outside of her videos….evil.
Mar 2, 2024
Yeah the only time she does these video responses is when she feels she has full justification to clap back. Notice she’ll never put one up calling her out about pulling Ela out of school to go to all inclusives or the comments asking her to safeguard Ela, or the ones questioning why Ela isn’t able to use cutlery at 7. Because she knows those don’t show her in a good light and the twolls in a bad one. She quietly blocks and deletes instead. She 100% posts ones like these to get attention, sympathy and to justify her constant whining about twolls.

She looks absolutely venomous in that video reply.
Apr 15, 2024
Yeah the only time she does these video responses is when she feels she has full justification to clap back. Notice she’ll never put one up calling her out about pulling Ela out of school to go to all inclusives or the comments asking her to safeguard Ela, or the ones questioning why Ela isn’t able to use cutlery at 7. Because she knows those don’t show her in a good light and the twolls in a bad one. She quietly blocks and deletes instead. She 100% posts ones like these to get attention, sympathy and to justify her constant whining about twolls.

She looks absolutely venomous in that video reply.
Where is this video, is it recent ? Can you post here please? Can’t see it on either platform, she might’ve deleted it
Mar 2, 2024


Mar 28, 2024
Her face when she’s speaking horribly. I don’t condone what was said about Ela but to me, we are seeing and hearing the real Sevda here when she’s not happy with someone. EVIL looks, ugly, haggard, old & tired. AND that’s with the slimming AND skin smoothing filters on! Her eyes are bulging, swollen and spitting with evil.


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Twoll 😝

Mar 9, 2024
Taking nothing away from what this person has said but you can really see the nastiness and anger that's really inside her on this video. How she can REALLY be. I bet she's a nasty fing b when she wants to be and that "be kind" goes straight out the window when it suits.
Yes, agree, but if she really cared about Elosh, she would become a mama bear and protective and take the kid off social media and stop exploiting her for views. She’s a vile woman and that kid needs saving


Mar 1, 2024
Her face when she’s speaking horribly. I don’t condone what was said about Ela but to me, we are seeing and hearing the real Sevda here when she’s not happy with someone. EVIL looks, ugly, haggard, old & tired. AND that’s with the slimming AND skin smoothing filters on! Her eyes are bulging, swollen and spitting with evil.
This is what she’s like to her family… Like when she shouted at Sedat about the drinks… The real Begda 👹
Mar 2, 2024
Taking nothing away from what this person has said but you can really see the nastiness and anger that's really inside her on this video. How she can REALLY be. I bet she's a nasty fing b when she wants to be and that "be kind" goes straight out the window when it suits.
The bitterness and anger on display stems from way more than just that comment. The comment just allowed her to feel justified in expressing it.


Mar 1, 2024
Yes, agree, but if she really cared about Elosh, she would become a mama bear and protective and take the kid off social media and stop exploiting her for views. She’s a vile woman and that kid needs saving
She doesn’t really care about Ela… She didn’t take Ela off social media when people were asking to see her on the toilet, just shows she has no concern for her whatsoever. She’s a cash cow for her failing TikTok career.
Mar 2, 2024
£2000 per month as an influencer is not much at all! That’s less than some peoples salaries who actually work. I can guarantee by the end of the year she will be back working part time somewhere when the deals are lost quicker than they’re coming in and I’m here for it!
She’s hoping to make a significant chunk of money each month with the tiktok shop commissions in order to make up for the loss of adverts. Time will tell if she is successful. I can’t really see many of her minions flocking to buy the s she promotes because it’s unnecessary junk and there’s only so much her minions will/can do when there’s also a cost of living crisis.
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