You would definitely choose the marina option if that was the case lol.That’s brilliant
Just cause Vag said about not going to the marina again as too overstimulating but I know for a fact it’s quiet and Jacks tbh is well spaced out and it’s quiet the now but with aimless saying the hotel restaurant was mobbed I though would it not be better going bk to the marina as it is quiet.
Is that maybe why after being at the busy hotel restaurant he as she claimed ran in a jacuzzi, for one kids aren’t allowed in them and it probs didn’t happen the way she said it did and tbh it’s normal behaviour for any child to think aw bugger it I’m jumping in there, she’s too quick to say it’s because she’s autistic and loves the water
She uses his autism as any excuse of being a bell end. Out of my 2 children, my child who isn’t autistic would be the one jumping in the jacuzzi, my autistic one would not be bothered and wouldn’t go nowhere near.
Also, just because he’s autistic he can still hear the word “ no “ I commented this but she hasn’t approved it …. Shock
So they all had to have a night in because she can’t say no and has no discipline or boundaries? Cant wajt to see how that goes in his teens 🫠