Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

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Mar 9, 2024


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Mar 12, 2024
No no I know what ur meaning x I love having a nice home and I would love to have a bit more money to travel the world lol n nothing is wrong with having a nice home or nice things but they're is a different when someone is so driven by greed, self importance n the love of money that it consumes them n the end up egotistical, self centered n selfish x Iam friends with people who have a lot n Iam friends with people who have nothing but they are good people who circumstances hasn't changed they're character hasn't, they don't think they are btr than anyone n they don't play victim...she is selfish n I over time have learned to be selfless as u don't just become it u need to 1 reconqnise when ur being selfish n 2 change that x less self more others ..I was using that as a example of how we need to want to change by taking a good look at our lives n then put the work in to do so but some people are so self absorbed n fame hungry n will step on n use anyone who can benefit or get in they're way x ❤️ but I'd rather be skint than be horrible but she ain't happy u can see that x social media is 99 percent fake x n her life is all one big act x but honestly I love the fact u worked hard n have reeked the benefits x u put in the work n u deserve it x..but as for her maybe if she put as much work into changing the inside instead of the material life then maybe she might change for the btr ...u can't filter character
Absolutely 🥰 she’s a vile person and I agree with everything you say ❤️
Mar 12, 2024
Well I see Aimee has posted a clip from where they are staying showing the name of the hotel…. She really has no clue what so ever…… with the obsessive “fans” they have that blow smoke up their arses daily I’m not sure I’d be advertising it……
I’d be seriously pissed at this 😳 and given how much saves of M there are on videos of him …scary stuff isn’t it. But she won’t be she needs aimless more than ever to boost her following and engagement she will stop at nothing vav. All vav cares about its making a ££££££


Mar 9, 2024
I’d be seriously pissed at this 😳 and given how much saves of M there are on videos of him …scary stuff isn’t it. But she won’t be she needs aimless more than ever to boost her following and engagement she will stop at nothing vav. All vav cares about its making a ££££££
I’d be pissed off also. It is so scary…. But so long as the £££ come in she doesn’t care. Her views and likes are so far down she’s banking on aimless band of rabid followers to boost her….. also can anyone enlighten me as to why A’s DuD are so popular? It’s unbelievably dull….

did yi aye

Mar 21, 2024
Prank calls 🤣🤣🤣 let the calling comense 🤣🤣
Think I shall phone n ask them if they are willing to give me a poolside room n have it all set up for my first ever podcast n have this done my arrival on Monday...sorry who is this ..oh it's Stephanie ..VAVRON .Oh no sorry miss Vavron we can't do that .BIG MISTAKE ..HUGE #prettywuman theme choon playing in the background as I slam Doon the phone 🤣🤣🤣
Mar 11, 2024
Think I shall phone n ask them if they are willing to give me a poolside room n have it all set up for my first ever podcast n have this done my arrival on Monday...sorry who is this ..oh it's Stephanie ..VAVRON .Oh no sorry miss Vavron we can't do that .BIG MISTAKE ..HUGE #prettyw theme choon playing in the background as I slam Doon the phone 🤣🤣
Would be hilarious if someone was able to cancel her booking 😂 I know it would be impossible but wishful thinking 😁


Mar 15, 2024
If I was publicly accused of stealing or treating people disgustingly , I try and clear my name . But she has no shame, no morals and a big fat brass neck ! She'll never admit to anything !
The silence speaks for itself! She’s guilty. She would clear her name otherwise, she goes to great lengths to prove the “trolls” wrong. Anyone remember the tape measure measuring her waist video? Yeahhhh- If she had the receipts to pull out of her donating the money she would’ve done so by now. Nothing to be jealous of, it’s just the narrative she is going with to deflect from the real reasons why she is hated where she is from. Her family should be hanging their heads in shame after what she’s done


Mar 10, 2024
Friend of Camerons brother here..

Time to get off tiktok Steph. Cameron will never be at rest until you give up your toxic hobby. His memory is being shown with such negativity because of you and your antics. Please do the right thing and get off social media. DO NOT MAKE ME SAY SOMETHING THAT I SHOULD NOT. SILENCE WILL BE BROKEN IF YOU DON'T TAKE HEED


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Mar 7, 2024
The silence speaks for itself! She’s guilty. She would clear her name otherwise, she goes to great lengths to prove the “trolls” wrong. Anyone remember the tape measure measuring her waist video? Yeahhhh- If she had the receipts to pull out of her donating the money she would’ve done so by now. Nothing to be jealous of, it’s just the narrative she is going with to deflect from the real reasons why she is hated where she is from. Her family should be hanging their heads in shame after what she’s done
Her family are just as bad . She's learned from the masters , the whole family should hang their heads in shame !
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