Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

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Mar 10, 2024

Someone said that and I replied you've got to be kidding, and I got muted🤣these people are all warped in the head
That Jodie Lauren Gauld I think she is local aswell and the lass has made her a mod how sad you have to do that as folk aren’t allowed an opinion 🤣


Mar 11, 2024
Take your own advice vav you never stay in your own lane you jump on any bandwagon going from exploiting your son and the guy Bradley to DV,eating disorder,adhd, slagging off people who don’t agree with you. That aint your lane and your turning your daughter into a narc aswell.
Don't forget dosing her autistic and vulnerable son up with sleep gummies so she could pump wee gay rylan in her bed, oh and to make a few extra £. Disgusting woman! She needs both her children taken off her
Mar 8, 2024
Is she on the drugs, or some billy big balls tablets that post screams a total narcissist I really hope her downfall is coming her whole page is negatively city she apparently doesn’t give a do when you give major fs beefy 🤣
Even more cockier since that bloke seems to be taking an interest 🫤
Shes not bothered by the "trolls" and doesn't engage in it though 🙄
She's such a t and hopefully that smile will be wiped off her face soon 🙏🙏


Mar 10, 2024
Don't forget dosing her autistic and vulnerable son up with sleep gummies so she could pump wee gay rylan in her bed, oh and to make a few extra £. Disgusting woman! She needs both her children taken off her
How could I forget the gummies your child coming down the stairs disoriented what a great parent that is, I still can’t believe she is asking people to pay a £10 for some s advice what more could she possibly say that is not on her page or anyone else page for that matter that is available for free one of the tattle folk is right she is out of reality she posted that dancing about like an absolute t all the while her kids are at home being looked after by someone else and she is wanting to relate to Sen parents who probably don’t get any break at all and her Huns need to open their eyes on who they are enabling this is only going to end up her downfall folk protecting her only goes so far.


Mar 10, 2024
Even more cockier since that bloke seems to be taking an interest 🫤
Shes not bothered by the "trolls" and doesn't engage in it though 🙄
She's such a t and hopefully that smile will be wiped off her face soon
Absolutely it speaks volumes that he has let all the comments outing her on one of his posts obviously she hasn’t convinced him to delete them if he was that interested in her he would have.
Mar 11, 2024
Staf “boo” if you really are “ all that “ why do you edit your pics to death? Why do you slim 4 stone out of each arm and your back and take away about 4 chins on each pic you post?
Look at yourself in the mirror when you wake up this morning and tell everyone you are still all that 😂 there’s a reason you can’t keep a man. You can’t even keep one hooked whilst with them, Petr on tinder, Harley messaging girls 😏😂
Staf remember when you had your wedding dress on saying so many likes and you’ll renew your vows 😂😂 all whilst he’s dipping his dick in girls and on tinder 😂😂😂🫣 sucks to be you


Apr 11, 2024
It’s not jealousy Steph it’s the fact u are using your child. He’s the family cash cow. Charging ppl money for tickets to see you.. how are you not embarrassed by yourself? What an awful mother. I hope he’s ok when he’s older and see you’ve posted him online constantly. He doesn’t even have a name sometimes he’s just my autistic child 😔😔
Mar 10, 2024
Poor Bradley hasn’t got a clue what he’s got himself into. It’s a ticketed event cause she know loads of people would go onto his side of a live and tell him all about her!!!! Everyone needs to e mail sensation ALL to let this charity know exactly that they will be known for association with a known charity thief!!!! If enough of us do it they will certainly give thought to it. Let’s not let her give this charity who helps kids with asn needs a bad name!!!! Get on it everyone please 💯💯💯
Mar 8, 2024
She can’t answer questions like she’s a professional. Yeah she can give advice but asking people to pay to ask her questions is too much? Her experience with max and his needs is totally different to others experience…mainly because she doesn’t actually encourage his development or learning. She’s just writes things off as traits of autism. She only communicates by screaming in his face or filming him even in his private moments like bath time. She has made her son’s autism all about her. It’s disgusting she’s doing this and using a charity to do it. She can’t help but crave attention. Can only imagine her caked in make up, pouting and stomping round the place like she owns it. Steph you’re a fing embarrassing t. And your arse is awful.
Mar 10, 2024
People have to pay £10 to ask a question, so not only do they pay for the pleasure, but also give you the content for the Q&A.
Eventbite need to be contacted and the event reported. She’s got no business telling any parent advice on being a SEN mum. M regressed at 18 months so she’s been a SEN mum for 3.5 years and she thinks she’s in a position for people to pay for advice. She only made a video the other day saying she’s a ‘new mum’. Obviously cause L doesn’t exist. How can you honestly say you’re going to add value to any SEN parents life.
Professionals don’t even charge, there are organisations all over for parents to get help. do, just search online FOR FREE.
Would I do pay £10 to listen to that drone talk absolute se even if it was going to charity. I’ll donate direct to them instead.
Full disclosure of the charity and who is collecting the funds (will be eventbrite), and receipts that it’s been donated.
If she wants a cut from it, even worse.
Also, give the charity the chance to know who is trying to raise money for them.
Exploiting her position/platform/followers
Last edited:
Mar 27, 2024
I don't normally post on here but Despervavo's latest "pay for me to answer a question" palaver has made me so cross. She is in no way qualified to dispense advice - and be paid for it. Yes, she can share her experience but to ask for payment is mind boggling. Aside from that, she can barely articulate a sentence. She is uneducated. She is illiterate. I will be addressing this matter with EventBrite.

That live nonsense last night was exactly that ... nonsense. She looked so crabbit right the way through. I love a fake tan but there is no way on this earthly planet that I will purchase anything from that brand.

Vav - nae punts (yuk!) - your continual refusal to admit that you are larger than a size 12 is, as many others have said, dangerous. You obviously don't care that you send completely the wrong message to YOUNG girls. I am happy to admit to being a size 18 - I look better than you and have much better dress sense so I really couldn't care less.

Your constant use of filters is embarrassing. Are you not ashamed of that as well? You expect young girls to believe that, if they use a certain brand of make up, they will look like you? No thanks.

I wish you would become more respectful of your son's privacy. That poor wee lad has no privacy. Unlike Are We LIls, he is unable to communicate to you that he wishes to remain off camera. You don't care about that. All you see is a pound sign. Disgraceful. Utterly disgraceful. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Whilst I see you as a pretty enough lady, you look so angry all of the time. Venom seeps from every (enlarged) pore. You say that you are happy but your face says something completely different.

There are a number of younger, prettier "influencers" or "creators" in Aberdeen who are being ASKED by brands such as Charlotte Tilbury and Jo Malone to show their products. Quality car dealerships, too, are ASKING them to test their vehicles. What do you get? Oh yes ..... a certain cheap brand and pancakes. OOPS

OK, I should finally point out that, no, I am not jealous of you and your life. I am better looking, have a successful career, own my house and own my car. Fav - nae punts - you, to me, are a sad, sad individual with an even sadder life.
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