She just keeps getting better. Trolls being unhinged and obsessed narrative is taking over her content just now, so transparent and obvious. And who all of a sudden is that roaster with the furry green teeth? "Oh Steph I'm so sorry. Now can i get some followers piggy backing off you? Pweasse".
No one here is changing their opinion on you any time soon. Hawd oan!! let me check... Under the couch, in the cupboard etc... Nope, no jealousy here!!
Honesty will set you free big Martha.
Wasn't us who used ovulation kits to trap a man or stalked Lewis Capaldi and got cautioned, again Martha., not us. Wasn't us who decided to pocket 15,000 pounds of charity donations cos YOU Martha decided that the charity had received enough. Give the money back to the charity or the donators. Will say it again, loudly for your wee huns at the back and yourself who deffo read here Martha,WAS NOT YOUR MONEY NEVER WAS. GIVE IT BACK!!
Wasn't us who tried to take over an Irish singers live streams and control it Martha with your stalker ish vibes.
Careful where you try to fling dung Martha about baby reindeer references. Swing your mirror round luv and have an honest look at yourself there. Never have we been cautioned for harassing someone with mental health issues like Lewis, slagged overweight people, harassed an autistic girl to the point she left school to escape your bullying of her and never sat her exams because of the way you made her feel.
So thanking someone for owning up to comments made about you ( like that lassie with the furry green teeth you asked to make that video), mayhaps you should try it too and own up to all your past behaviours. Truth will set you free Martha.