Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime


Mar 18, 2024
Comment Cafe
According to Steph, the police have been involved for 2 years. Now I know the police take their time, but that's some wait even by their standards. Or could it be, that as per usual she's chatting s?
Nothing good will come of Stephs life, she's not gonna live a long happy life, let's just enjoy watching her getting fatter. It's fascinating, it's like watching a science experiment. It's like someone has removed 90% of her brain, and left to to try and survive in the wild.
I've never come across someone so thick, and I watch some dick heads on tiktok. Even my 14 year old says "Mum, you watching that dirty woman again" 😆

Since talking three times with the Huddersfield police over the last few weeks, I can 100% confirm that you are correct, it is nonsense.

You see, for Stephanie to make any formal complaint/legal statement, to the authorities, she opens herself up to scrutiny and investigation. She has too much to hide.

The police were aware of her however, and have received a multitude of complaints against her. She has also contacted them herself in the past, but has failed to follow through. Her complaints are not taken seriously as she is known to the police. I will say no more on that for legal reasons.

The many complaints received about her, unfortunately it appears the evidence provided was deemed insufficient. This time around due to a vast amount of evidence presented from a collective of individuals, including myself, and with child protection being involved, they are in the process of obtaining all of Stephanie's online activities, be it deleted, new accounts, old accounts, fake accounts, social media, text, whatsapp, excetera, the ip numbers used, show it all.

Now it is important to keep in mind, these are not "alleged" actions as in gossipy rumours, these are proven actions that are backed with evidence.

Child abuse, animal abuse/cruelty, scamming, non declaration of funds, excetera, the list is grossly long, are criminal offenses and will be treated as such. This will take time, yet will expose her fully and will be undeniable.

Stephanie appears to believe if the police do nothing within days of someone stating they have reported her, then she has gotten away with it, or the individual was not being honest. Then, as we now see, she puffs herself up, and treats others worse than ever, while she delights in a false sense of victory and egotistical importance. To her it is validation that she can do whatever she wishes, without repercussion. As I said earlier, she is simply digging herself a bigger hole.

Deleted 10

Mar 17, 2024
It’s shameful how she acts along with those plebs that blow smoke up her massive derrière, the filth that was coming out their mouths today was shocking! Not to mention the slurs against people with SN .
Well get this...... Her child sent a vn on WhatsApp f-ing and all telling us to all unalive ourselves!!! He was saying i was talking about him on here. Chatting like he is grown, saying he will come down to mine 🤣🤣🤣😅👌👌
Mar 19, 2024
Under Da Sea 🌊
Well get this...... Her child sent a vn on WhatsApp f-ing and all telling us to all unalive ourselves!!! He was saying i was talking about him on here. Chatting like he is grown, saying he will come down to mine 🤣🤣🤣😅👌👌
Lewis has more brains than her, he’s going to end up a nasty piece of work and it’s all her doing getting him to troll people for SM engagement and freebies, people will eventually see them for what they are and they’ll live to regret it.


Mar 18, 2024
Comment Cafe
Well get this...... Her child sent a vn on WhatsApp f-ing and all telling us to all unalive ourselves!!! He was saying i was talking about him on here. Chatting like he is grown, saying he will come down to mine 🤣🤣🤣😅👌👌

I have never seen anything written here directly aimed at Stephanie's son, so I am a tad confused. Yes there has been concern posted about him, his health and well being due to Stephanie's neglect or ill treatment, so his distaste and threats seem unfortunate and slightly redundant. I have no doubt his mother is winding him up in order for him to now react. More child abuse.
Mar 19, 2024
Under Da Sea 🌊
I have never seen anything written here directly aimed at Stephanie's son, so I am a tad confused. Yes there has been concern posted about him, his health and well being due to Stephanie's neglect or ill treatment, so his distaste and threats seem unfortunate and slightly redundant. I have no doubt his mother is winding him up in order for him to now react. More child abuse.
She said on her live earlier that people on here were making racist remarks about him and calling him allsorts.

Deleted 10

Mar 17, 2024
Lewis has more brains than her, he’s going to end up a nasty piece of work and it’s all her doing getting him to troll people for SM engagement and freebies, people will eventually see them for what they are and they’ll live to regret it.
A long ass message indeed. But i never spoke bad or i believe i have not mentioned him at all. Please correct me if i am wrong. He said he is mature etc. He can come down by himself but who paying for him lol
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Deleted 10

Mar 17, 2024
Lewis has more brains than her, he’s going to end up a nasty piece of work and it’s all her doing getting him to troll people for SM engagement and freebies, people will eventually see them for what they are and they’ll live to regret it.
A long ass message indeed. But i never spoke bad or i believe i have not mentioned him at all. Please correct me if i am wrong. He said he is mature etc. He can come down by himself but who paying for him lol

Deleted 10

Mar 17, 2024
I have never seen anything written here directly aimed at Stephanie's son, so I am a tad confused. Yes there has been concern posted about him, his health and well being due to Stephanie's neglect or ill treatment, so his distaste and threats seem unfortunate and slightly redundant. I have no doubt his mother is winding him up in order for him to now react. More child abuse.
They said i was saying stuff. But i know there was concern on you guys
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Mar 18, 2024
Comment Cafe

She can report whatever she wishes, but it is simply untrue, it has never happened, and as I have already said above, the comments are all here visible to be read as proof that she is once again lying.

As for her stating "they can get done for it", unlike Stephanie, we do not abuse her child.