You are acting as though you are singlehandedly taking down Stephanie. You do realise many of us have contacted the school, the police, child protection. You are one of a collective. But no, you wish to bathe in the "glory of God". You make my stomach churn.
And yet again, you and your friends have intentionally disrupted this thread for pages and pages of unnecessary dramatics, to make a mockery of the good work so many have put in here, pushing yourself forward as "all important". You came here to cause an issue, to stir the pot, and you have. You have not changed at all.
You daily post bible quotes on your tiktok, which stick in my throat while watching you stir up trouble like a child, whilst getting a kick out of it, sitting back switching from account to account, excetera, trolling people, gossiping, backstabbing, outright lying.
You know what you are doing, and you seem to believe non of us can see it. We are not Stephanie, we see.
You should have your own thread on here.