The spiritual coquette girl

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Dec 13, 2023
Two points I’ve taken away this evening:

1. SUPER rude to the people she wants to follow her “use your brains” excuse me?? Imagine complaining about losing followers, reaching out to ensure she doesn’t lose any more and speaking to them like that? Like it’s their fault, unbelievably rude and disgusting.

2. “I’ve wrapped them straight away or my adhd will kick in and I won’t send them” so blaming an imaginary condition on the reason she doesn’t bother sending parcels?

Utterly deluded.


Apr 2, 2024
Two points I’ve taken away this evening:

1. SUPER rude to the people she wants to follow her “use your brains” excuse me?? Imagine complaining about losing followers, reaching out to ensure she doesn’t lose any more and speaking to them like that? Like it’s their fault, unbelievably rude and disgusting.

2. “I’ve wrapped them straight away or my adhd will kick in and I won’t send them” so blaming an imaginary condition on the reason she doesn’t bother sending parcels?

Utterly deluded.
Absolutely that. She definitely appears more livid at the people falling for it than the people faking the profiles! Why is she speaking to people that like her, like that?!

She may as well have just gone for it and said what she really meant, 'you stupid thick idiots, how could you fall for that? And how dare you question my integrity? you irritating simpleton plebs!'


Mar 31, 2024
So now that Rishi has announced getting people back to work n off benefits who wants to wager that the scabs videos will be ramping up with the whole “I’m so disabled” bull? The problem with liars like her is they are too thick to keep the lies up. Bleating on about how physically unable you are then climbing in n out of a window for example, saying u can’t swallow yet constantly posting videos of u stuffing ur face 🙈 I for one can’t wait for the bull 💩 videos to commence, let’s see how she gets around this one 👀
Oct 1, 2023
Trampy s! Why would anyone say something like that in the internet! w
Well... she advertised herself for hire on the internet, she isn't shy about people knowing.

Her family is well off, selling her holes to fund drug habit must've been embarrassing for them considering they are well known in frome.


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Feb 1, 2024
Tattle has been very quiet lately…….

Also noticed how since her Event she hasn’t been herself. her content is too false and planned and she is minding her Ps and Qs. She hasn’t even said anything about the so called “information that came to light” at the event as she was on a high so would t talk about it at the time.

She was Cringe before but now she’s trying to portray the sophisticated single mum disguise 🥸 all she has done is rip off everything that Elle does. Hand gesture, travelling round to different towns to charity shops. She’s deluded! The Vanity Case is like M & S at thrifting and Kara isn’t even worthy of a shop name! lol
Oct 1, 2023
I've noticed it's been quite over there, tattle is notorious with banning accounts, a few have come over here so perhaps that's why.

Yeah, we never did get that tea she seemed oh so smug about.

I picked up on the copy cat mannerisms, think she's trying to morph into Ellie and be more influencer with her posts.

For someone who had so much to rant about with other government issues she's been very quiet over the whole fitnote scandal considering she'd be effected by the changes.

Bullshit Girl

New member
Apr 23, 2024
This saddo sends her stuff a lot from what I’ve seen. Kara just expects gifts and money with no need to thank anyone. Just like she didn’t thank my friend for buying her son a gift.

Kara is a nobody and doesn’t know who SHE is messing with.
yeah ngl the painted lady seems like a really sweet lady but shes also giving fan energy and Kara knows it, she always trying very hard to hide her very underwhelmed reponse to her and i wish she would wise up, she rude and entitled and people like her kissing her ass dont help.

Bullshit Girl

New member
Apr 23, 2024
The egg in a jug 😂😂😂😂😂 “you don’t know who you’re messing with…” 😂😂😂

On a side note however I do feel bad for that follower, she travelled down from wales to go to the “event” maybe she doesn’t have many friends or something?

Our soft life girly definitely doesn’t have to worry about money anymore and as we’ve said, that’s what’s changed her because she’s been able to show her true colours. Sometimes I wonder if I’m envious that I work FT and am a single mum so don’t get free money or time for self care but then I think…nah I might have to set an alarm every morning but what I get from work, the friends I’ve made there, the example to my child, the enjoyment that I get out of it and the appreciation for doing the fun stuff I don’t get to do all the time and then I realise that I’m not actually envious but that I just pity her.
THIS 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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Dec 13, 2023
Tattle has been very quiet lately…….

Also noticed how since her Event she hasn’t been herself. her content is too false and planned and she is minding her Ps and Qs. She hasn’t even said anything about the so called “information that came to light” at the event as she was on a high so would t talk about it at the time.

She was Cringe before but now she’s trying to portray the sophisticated single mum disguise 🥸 all she has done is rip off everything that Elle does. Hand gesture, travelling round to different towns to charity shops. She’s deluded! The Vanity Case is like M & S at thrifting and Kara isn’t even worthy of a shop name! lol
I wonder if that was just her mad idea that we were holding onto tickets to prevent them from selling. Of course that makes no sense since if they were sold out people could add themselves to the waitlist, and if tickets were held it was only for a few minutes. Not enough to keep that awful event empty.

Though it did seem like she was going to make a proper video about the 'information' instead of ranting in her own comments about it.
Dec 13, 2023
Very tellingly her new video about celibacy a follower commented “I’m still pure at 26 it’s my biggest flex” and someone responded like “not a flex to measure a woman’s worth by how much dick they have/haven’t had” which I very much agree with.
Our pal has deleted that and responded with “love this for you”

Yet she says she’s a feminist…


Apr 2, 2024
I've always been so confused by her declarations of celibacy. I noticed the first time she'd just talked about it then weeks later talked about inviting someone over for sex. Then back to calling herself celibate, then repeat.

My idea of celibacy is committing to a long period like years. Loves a label though doesn't she, even if it makes no sense.
Oct 1, 2023
I've always been so confused by her declarations of celibacy. I noticed the first time she'd just talked about it then weeks later talked about inviting someone over for sex. Then back to calling herself celibate, then repeat.

My idea of celibacy is committing to a long period like years. Loves a label though doesn't she, even if it makes no sense.

That's what celibacy is, long term intentional commitment not a dry spell because you lack dick.

Maybe she's back on the dating sites, so weird having a hook up when your child's sleeping.

She recorded him leaving, then rated him on tiktok 🤢 such nasty behaviour.
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