Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

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Mar 8, 2024
Forgot this beauty 😂


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New member
Mar 9, 2024
Hi all,
Long time reader on the the other site.
Have read through all messages on here too, sorry no disrespect but stuff like “I think d1 was d2” makes people who Comment look like delusional conspiracy theorists.. he clearly wasn’t she’s just that mental and slaggy that she acts like that after 8 weeks

She wasn’t pregnant, I’d put my life and house on it, he didn’t want her so she lied to make him look awful for leaving her on tt. It would be interesting for him to actually speak up
Mar 9, 2024
Re the pregnancy. Why is nobody talking about how she is having sex with a new lover unprotected. Maybe it’s just me but if Ive ever had sex with someone new, I’ve made them bag up! Why are they going in bareback. It’s mind blowing to me 🫨 she’s 100% trapped him!!!!!
I thought exactly the same! And doesn’t seem like she gets regular sexual health screening either 🤷‍♀️ it’s purely irresponsible

Lie Detector

Mar 8, 2024
Re the pregnancy. Why is nobody talking about how she is having sex with a new lover unprotected. Maybe it’s just me but if Ive ever had sex with someone new, I’ve made them bag up! Why are they going in bareback. It’s mind blowing to me 🫨 she’s 100% trapped him!!!!!
Have you seen her house? What makes you think she would be concerned about health and safety? 😂

Pregnancy should be the least of her worries sleeping with someone new unprotected.
Mar 8, 2024
I don’t think a lot of her “stories” are true they seem to be in her head 😂 it’s like the other week when she said “I didn’t drink I was driving” then in Wendy’s video was heard saying “don’t show my Prosecco” her family are her biggest trolls
My Nan always said liars have to have a good memory & let’s face it, it’s questionable Butthole even has a brain let alone remember her 🐂💩 lies 🤣🤣
To confirm I DO know her irl & my family have lived in Birkdale since 1962 (my Nan & uncles etc not me 🤣)

And then…

Mar 9, 2024
None of it makes sense. I think you’re right a termination is probably more believable. I’m the same age as her and I think I would probably terminate if I got pregnant now, but then my husband and I take precautions to make sure that doesn’t happen. Why you’d be having under protected S with someone you’ve only been with a very short while baffles me. She probably did it with D1 as well, probably not had any sexual health checks so could be spreading all sorts.

I always ask myself how is she not asking herself is she the problem, there’s not over 100 threads calling her behaviour out for no reason. I’d seriously be questioning myself if I was in her position, not trying to validate my actions by claiming to seek legal action, turning off comments, and making under the collar comments about S*****e
Because she’s an absolute narcissist - it’s never her in the wrong as far as she’s concerned 🙄


Mar 7, 2024
I wish she’d change her name, I’m a single Mum and I can’t relate to anything she does. She gives us a bad name.
Same. I hardly ever spend money on myself. Most birthdays that I am gifted money goes on food or bills lol.
Also I’ve been thinking that SS or the school have said take H off TikTok but actually meant all SM, her argument will be “well they only said TikTok”. Like how I ask 1 of my kids to dry up and that’s all they’ll do coz I didn’t add and put away. Does that make sense??

Here we go…

Mar 8, 2024
Looking back at some of her old videos, when she first started growing an account she was completely different she’s a shell of the person she used to be. Having soical media as a job hasn’t done her any favours in the long run just an easy life with decent pay. However the old videos you can clearly see she was putting on an act, being fake and she just can’t/hasn't kept up that persona but one thing is for sure, she loves a dramatic lie for attention. It’s also weird how when something dramatic does happen irl eg; woeisme she doesn’t milk it for the attention she obviously desires on the lies she tells, she seems to give as little reaction as she can…. Where’s the sob story she’s loves to tells? What’s the difference for her with the truth and lies for attention


Mar 8, 2024
What a lovely lot you are over here, I shall try and post in equal amounts. As you were trolls as you

Old Shirl had her knickers up and down more times than a fiddlers elbow in the early 80s to bring in the "pension pennies" ( "I will make sure you're looked after in ya old age Shirl if you keep our Aimee molly coddled to within an inch of her frjggin life" )said Greg.No flies on our Shirl eh, they don't bother their arse going to Charlie's coz there's no money in it for em "keep seeing our Aimee coz she's a lazy entitled little f who can't make a bloke stick around longer than a fairy's fart" and THATS why neither of em give a shiny se about rrrrrrr Charlie or rrrrrrrrrr ralph
I think we should call Shirley parachute pants
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