Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

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Mar 8, 2024
No need to overthink, we won’t dive you on you like the Huns would personally I’d air my opinion but I wouldn’t be offensive or rude about it if that ever was the case we are all adults. But it’s clear to see you haven’t offended anyone don’t ever over think it, as over thinker myself I know you need that reassurance ❤️❤️
Thank you! #theoverthinkersclub lol ❤️
Mar 8, 2024
Hi aimless
I know you read here as well as TL I am no troll the things I’ve written are the same as I would say to your face,your an abysmal mother.a failed human being and an out and out irritating Cnut.
You call anyone who dares to have a different opinion a troll that’s not how the real world works sweetheart someone will always differ from you otherwise what’s the point?
I know in your teeny tiny world everyone has to fall at your feet to worship yourself which if I’m being honest is really false and creepy.
While I’m on it take your daughter out somewhere anywhere get her some fresh air and decent food and dentistry let her thrive she’s 9 not 2 hammy sammy etc that’s toddler talk, she will eventually leave you of you don’t let her become who she wants to be not a copy of you.
So while you’re talking endless bs into your phone remember we all do t have to agree with you, the world doesn’t fall at your feet or revolve around you either smh it’s like listening to a spoilt 5 year old sometimes .
Mar 8, 2024
Good morning mum of one aka aimee . There’s no denying you read here and tl so I’m just going to tell you we are no trolls here or over on tl we are a group of ladies who have over the years have become wise to your constant lies and bullshit. I for one was a supporter of yours at first but quickly seen through the green eyed minty monster you really are. I have never known a more selfish twisted individual you have made your own thread here because of your lies nothing else your a bullshitter and a s one at that to be a liar you have to have a very good memory something which the copious amounts of kylie you drink you can’t possibly keep up with your lies. Look around why can’t you keep a man ? It’s a little vicious circle isn’t it you can’t throw money at men like you can your gritty little money grabbing mum and sister to get your way. Your child is your last thought when she should be your whole world. Coming from a mum who has buried her child you sicken and disgust me. Clean your house and wash ya fat face cut that hair and just all round do better. Your kids beyond hope because of your ways and it’s heartbreaking to watch. Rant over 🙄
Sorry to hear about your loss ❤️ and 👏 everything u have said x


Mar 9, 2024
Did anyone see the comment on her home bargains video from someone about tockfest, have just seen it over on comment of the day. Not sure if I am allowed to put it on here....maybe a TL that's also on here can do it.
I seen it lol I personally but don’t quote me on it don’t think the ladies over there would mind as I seen they shared the poem from here and rightly so as was comical 😂😂 and most of us are only here because we seen them comment about here on there and we couldn’t comment there lol so sharings caring right? Unless your aimee obvs lol


Mar 8, 2024
I seen it lol I personally but don’t quote me on it don’t think the ladies over there would mind as I seen they shared the poem from here and rightly so as was comical 😂😂 and most of us are only here because we seen them comment about here on there and we couldn’t comment there lol so sharings caring right? Unless your aimee obvs lol
She must have been fuming when she read that, obviously it's been deleted. I will have a go and putting it on here. I am no spring chicken 🤣so not very tech savvy. Don't expect to see it posted by me 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Mar 8, 2024
You really want us to answer that 🤣🤣🤣
You smell of CATPISS, compulsive liar, smash hotels up when you don’t get your way, stalk & harass your exes, you seep desperate sl-ag, selfish, greedy, narcissist, ugly self absorbed cnut, NOBODY LIKES YOU 😡😡😡

Hi all, Newby here been a silent watcher for a year... read everything on TL! So happy that we can comment on here. Please someone take this lying scruffy b down! How on earth do her ass licking rats not see through this manipulating cow! It's all here and there in black and white! She's the most hurrendous mother and her family should be ashamed enabling this 'look at me I'm so clueless but not really I just think I'm really funny sad act! Regina George! Veruca salt in one! I haven't caught up on all the pages here as there is so many ha what does that say slut bag! I cant wait til someone brings her down to earth because she is one of the most manipulating narcissistic bitches I've ever come across. Sorry for the rant ladies.
Welcome and 👏
Mar 8, 2024
Forget to eat but constantly binge. s hair, no tits, fat minge.
Hate cheese. Love dick. Desperate for a blue tick.
Liar liar pants on fire. Boring content just is dire.
Dated and scruffy house. Oh my god I found a dead mouse.
Selfish, neglectful and s mum. Mound of wipes for my bum.
Coffee chewer. Dirty oower.
Fat hands, wonky lips. Keep filling loads of skips.
Character crap & Disney tat. Oh my god what a t.
Faithful huns proper thick. Police called, what a prick.
Personal hygiene gone amiss. What a stench of cat piss.
Pity party, breeze block sob. Leave me alone it’s my job.
Pop open Kylie and kick a tree. On tinder hunting dick number three.

Nice poem for our Aims 🤣🤣 summarising her page.
Bloody brilliant 👏 👌 🤣
Mar 8, 2024
Here is the comment 🤣 Feel free to share anything I post, some of my best one liners come out over there 😏😆


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Mar 8, 2024
Having had anxiety for the last few years, heightened by Covid I could never film and talk to my phone in public. I couldn't think of anything worse. I know it's different for different people but she's openly said it's public hence the panic attack in Sainsbury's. When people say they don't understand why she gets so much hate open your eyes!! It's all bloody lies... I hope her huns find these pages and wake up!!
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