Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

Mar 3, 2024
South Wales UK
Good god.

All I remember about you is the many lies you have been caught out telling. That you stood by Sasha Fontaine like a flying monkey and you move from tiktok creator to tiktok creator fulfilling the same role.
Talk about others lives being sad I would think yo lu doing that is pathetic at your age always being used by others.

God when your filter slips good god .

Burn it
I think you are confusing me with someone who gives a do about what you think lol. I don't hop around creators. I've followed the same ones since 2018. Well the ones still on the app. I don't need to send them gifts or kiss their arses to get noticed either. Maybe thats why Paris Hilton follows me 😉
Who is Sasha? She's a nobody on the app. She has and never will be a big creator on the app.
Mar 3, 2024
South Wales UK
Who could you possibly scare? You’re just an old bored woman online causing trouble! You don’t even like fiesty, you just wanted to get in on all the drama that had nothing to do with you!
What’s the matter? Is hubby not giving you any attention? 🤣
And what a lovely person you are accusing Mazz of lying for attention! She’s been unwell and you’ve added to that!
You were the one crying like a baby when the police gave you a warning for bullying a lady online!! You’re vile!
I may be old but I am far from bored 😴 Well actually, I tell a lie. People like you do actually bore me!
I like Feisty(proper spelling) She has not done anything bad to me. She has opened up to me about a lot of things & I appreciate her for that. I'm loyal, so unless she lies to me or does something I don't agree with then I will not be turning my back on her!
I think it's sad that so many people find fun in attacking her on a daily basis.
Maz is ill, she is sick in the head. She kept me up all night worrying about her when she was insinuating that she was going to kill herself. I've been through it & actually found someone unconscious. So she triggered me when she faked it.
I could post the messages here & prove it. Although, those who know me well enough, know that I'm not into this sharing private messages as I have integrity. Something not one of you lot have.
You all hate each other. You are all starting to fall out with each other & that is karma. You can't go around being evil to people & expect a happy life.
Do better & be better!
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Mar 3, 2024
South Wales UK
I mean, she’s so thick, she said she would get her daughter (who apparently works in the courts) information on Tam’s court case! 🤦‍♀️ her and fiesty are like two peas in a pod, both thick as s 🤣
That was a trap to see how quick Tam would react & she soaked it up like a bathsponge. I know exactly how to reel you fools in. I did it with Tattle & I'm still doing it with you trolls. Plant a seed & watch it grow 😉 Tell someone a fib & see how far it travels. That's how you catch out the snakes 🐍 Don't ever underestimate this Dragon!
You are all fools because you allow words on a screen affect you! It consumes your lives. You live for antisocial media. You literally believe every rumour you read. So sad!
You hardly ever see me online because I'm too busy in the real world.
I am not sat with my phone glued to my hand waiting for someone to go live so I can stalk them, or waiting for someone to comment on a post so I can screenshoot it. Get a life Jesus Christ.
Mar 3, 2024
South Wales UK
I don't see her commenting anywhere on here so I guess she must be in bed already. As a matter of fact, she hasn't commented since her last post.
She was in Delusive Angie's live around 10pm UK time if that helps?
Has she hurt your feelings? You seem paranoid that she is everywhere and everyone 🤔
I think that is a you problem.
You are right. I did pop into her live for an hr. I was in bed. I can't be bothered with this nonsense. Its like being back in primary school.
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Mar 3, 2024
South Wales UK
Go to bed Lisa
Please don't tell me when to go to bed. Who do you think you are Maz? Some junkie who snorts coke daily & pretends to have Bipolar just because I told you to go to the Dr.
Darling, it takes a LOT longer to diagnose than a few weeks or months. They refer you to the MH team who assess you then they need to rule out other illnesses.
So quit your lies Maz. It's the coke making you doolally, not Bipolar. I have it. Diagnosed with it by a MH specialist after over 2 yrs of hospital appointments, even had a brain scan to rule out tumours. I am on meds for it & I'm fine. I would never act like you sweetheart.
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Mar 12, 2024
I mean, she’s so thick, she said she would get her daughter (who apparently works in the courts) information on Tam’s court case! 🤦‍♀️ her and fiesty are like two peas in a pod, both thick as s 🤣
Lol I remember this, the problem with liars is they always get caught out. I love how slug and the f@ welsh controller are always the ones projecting about how they have lives and yet both are addicted to alcohol or drugs and both have absolutely nothing in life but this drama. Already f@ controller is name dropping people who aren't even here as if they are here, why so paranoid lisaaaa oh yes that'll be because you're both trolls who consistently hide behind fake accounts. Didn't you get told off by police lisa I mean it was you petrified that your precious Wayne who can't bare you either would find out... waaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaaa
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Mar 12, 2024
Who's mazekeen?
🤣🤣🤣 who is mazekeen, ironic you said you caught people out on tattle by telling lies, well that's a lie because we all saw tam do a live after the police had contacted her back and told her your daughter didn't work for the courts or what ever bull you came out with. Did you just try and cover a lie with a lie lol, is that because you feel like the pleb you really are 🤣🤣🤣 if only you could all keep up with your stories aye 🤔 😅
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Mar 12, 2024
Who lies about a suicide attempt what the actual do.
Some people are beyond help
After she got her friend the f@ controller to lie about her so called attempt and was caught out she then publicly took the blame, and poor maz got the backlash over messages again we've all seen them. Why do these silly sheep keep covering her lies. She's a malfunctioning child abuser with a coke problem, who robbed charities, abused at least 2 exs that we know of, grassed up another one to the police, whilst calling innocent men the worst kind of names. All whilst pretending to be a victim of domestic abuse. 🙄

I mean if she was to go to prison she'd be in the VP wing for her own safety.

Let's face it this is the reason she moves from area to area and all of her enablers help her so she doesn't lose the kids she's neglecting now.
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Mar 3, 2024
South Wales UK
🤣🤣🤣 who is mazekeen, ironic you said you caught people out on tattle by telling lies, well that's a lie because we all saw tam do a live after the police had contacted her back and told her your daughter didn't work for the courts or what ever bull you came out with. Did you just try and cover a lie with a lie lol, is that because you feel like the pleb you really are 🤣🤣🤣 if only you could all keep up with your stories aye 🤔 😅
I have a recording of my phone call with the cop of which she agreed to. Shall I show Tam up as being the liar she is & upload it to YouTube?
No cop ever looked up where my daughter worked. In fact Tam was the one crying on the phone to the cop that she was scared for her welfare 😂 Ask Tam to prove her lies. Surely she would have saved proof like I have??And if she hasn't, why not?
I've seen her live and so did the cop as it was recorded 😉 That cop also saw Tam threatening to out my address etc etc. I see that same cop often, seeing that she works across the road from me. She never told Tam I would be arrested nor did she say my brother wasn't CID because he IS CID. That cop thinks she even knows him. So let's see this proof off Tam shall we. I will wait.