Becki Jones @beckijones4


Mar 9, 2024
Just watched that slushy videos. The way she says ā€œthankyoummmmā€ do off Becki. Her voice is grim. Making milkshake jokes. Again do off Becki. The way sheā€™s so excited is annoying me.
A cooked breakfast. Pizza. Tacos. Fruit plate. Soup. Bread. Salad. Pasta. Garlic bread. A massive dessert. A burger and chips. In one day. What the do. 12.24 and she got the burger and chips. Sheā€™s ordering loads of room service and not showing it all I think. Sheā€™s in her element cus itā€™s a fat persons dream. They might as well have invited an alcoholic and give them an all you can drink wristband. She will have gained about 3 stone by the time she gets home. So cutesy? Becki there is absolutely nothing cutesy about you. You are terrifying. Your beady eyes make you look evil. And youā€™re fing massive!
I echo every sentiment!! Her saying she feels cutesy šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ has she not seen the photos of herself from this cruise!!!
Mar 8, 2024
Sheā€™s clapped back with this video šŸ˜‚ The denial when sheā€™s constantly using filters on everything

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The audacity to use this angle as well showing her chins in all their glory.. lip syncing badly to a song like this.. looking like that.. sheā€™s a real unit never mind a real girl. And she is absolutely not in the real world. fing dumb do


Mar 9, 2024
Why is she ā€˜dancingā€™ (yes I use that term loosely given she doesnā€™t move) a lot on this holiday. Are the other 3 taking the piss out of her having her dancing?
Mar 8, 2024
Why is she ā€˜dancingā€™ (yes I use that term loosely given she doesnā€™t move) a lot on this holiday. Are the other 3 taking the piss out of her having her dancing?
Yeah they are taking the absolute piss. She has the mobility of an American fridge. She canā€™t move too much cus sheā€™s so heavy.
Sheā€™s filling the awkwardness with her ridiculous fake laugh. Sheā€™s acting like an absolute tit, showing off and acting confident. The size of her and she is brimming with confidence cus sheā€™s been gifts a one way crooozzzeeee


Mar 9, 2024
Yeah they are taking the absolute piss. She has the mobility of an American fridge. She canā€™t move too much cus sheā€™s so heavy.
Sheā€™s filling the awkwardness with her ridiculous fake laugh. Sheā€™s acting like an absolute tit, showing off and acting confident. The size of her and she is brimming with confidence cus sheā€™s been gifts a one way crooozzzeeee
Mobility of an American fridge šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ thatā€™s tickled me that has. So accurate though as she struggles to even shuffle. She keeps saying friends forever and feel like Iā€™ve known them years etc when theyā€™ll get home and sheā€™ll never meet them again. You can tell she isnā€™t their vibe.