Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

CLAs Fish Pie

Apr 7, 2024
Somewhere only I Know
Scared Big Brother GIF by Channel 7


Hi, apologies to Charlie for contacting you asking you to clear up the confusion regarding what was said last night. I went into a bit of a panic reading the reactions to what I said before Barry made the remark, I never considered that anyone would think I was discussing children because I had been quite clear that I was talking about my adult housemates that used to cook with weed.

Context, this was about 20 years ago and is just a funny story in our friendship group that I was relaying in the live, when I had used the last bit of we had to make gravy for the Sunday dinner. It was a lot stronger than we all expected and a couple of the group had a whitey and I joked they were rocking back and forth.

If you listen to the clip at that point Barry jumps on and makes that comment out of nowhere, I didn't even realise what he had said until after and you hear me say sorry I cleared the room - I thought my story had done that but it must have clicked with the others what he had said.

Barry came on the live last night and confirmed he did say that and apologised to everyone, but obviously none of us accept that or wish to have anything to do with him again and he won't be in our lives anymore.
You can see where our concern was coming from when kids were mentioned ? Why did Barry suddenly mention young girls? because that was totally off topic and it came out of no where, so again you can see why some of us feel your whole conversation was to do with children, your own children to be specific, and how long ago did this happen? because I would be pissed if you sat on it knowing he's giving pure vibes of being a predator/groomer.
You've got some balls jumping in here to clear things up, so fair play.
BTW.. drugging people without their knowledge is fed up tbh.


magpies in Eastern cultures actually symbolise good fortune, and are seen as spirit guides, it was actually the church that started the rumour that they were bad luck
I was told it was because magpies would kill cattle by pecking their eyes out so farmers would salute them to stop it from happening. I hope I haven't spent years looking like a complete muppet for nothing. I even stop the car so I can salute them. 😭


Apr 6, 2024
Marks & Sparks
If he said it to a black man at the zoo it would be racist. If he said it about a black person anywhere, anytime, any dimension in any context it is racist. Is it really difficult to understand for them! No it's not, they act dumber than they are, who knew that was possible, when it suits them. After orangutangate these dumb do racist fs know full well NOT to expect to get away with being racist for 1 second.
yes exactly. what flange was trying to do was compare like for like, but I had to point out that this did not happen in the zoo just for her information.

When I reflect on what I have have seen on Tiktok it pains me to see the way in which some people undermine the intergenerational trauma of a community of people and how this may live on in the consciousness of said people even as they continue to navigate through systematic racism.

This brings me to the point of why I like Paigey. I think she brings a lot of educational value to Tiktok. There isn’t a clear and shared understanding of some of the concepts and terminology used in conversations about race, or about racial disparity in the UK and she is able to clarify these in conversation (and through her poetry). Listening to her has actually led me to reflect on my own unconscious bias.

Just some thoughts I wanted to share.
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
I think that was why I didn't even realise what he had said until it was played back to me, as it had no relation to what I was saying. Shortly after the recording ended Barry had a coughing fit and sounded like he was struggling to breathe and ended his live, so I went on live and people came into there and we were all really worried about him. But then people started speaking offline about what he had said and someone contacted me to ask if I had heard it. It probably sounds really strange that I didn't hear it at the time but when you're in the box it's different to speaking face to face, I lack concentration at the best of times but I really hadn't understood what he'd said which I why i thought it was my story that had cleared the room!
I can understand to an extent that you didn’t process what he was saying. However, I would think people in the chat were likely reacting to what he said. Did you or others in the boxes see those comments? Perhaps Barry’s cough was a little too well timed and a convenient way to end the live and divert attention…

When you went live, did no one mention what he said in the boxes/comments, or was it all offline?


Jun 26, 2024
Can someone explain why everytime AR is in the box people comment "coma"
Because he faked being in a coma he is also a DV abuser his ex partner has a full page about it, AR is complete scum in my eyes I've called him out many a time, difference is I never once used the colour of his skin or race against him that would not enter my mind to do that !!

I'll call him out for the DV abuseing troll dickheaf he is!! Race never has to be brought onto it


Feb 29, 2024
Police are aware of over 100 planned events tonight 🥺🥺
There's currently a Peaceful Protest outside Sheffield City Hall. Let me just say I'm very proud of how little violence happened at the weekend here, the 'Knobheads' were outnumbered massively and bar a few scuffles where the Knobs came off worse.
Sheffield Police are well versed in how to handle these types of situations, we have Football Derbys between our 2 teams and the Cops know a helluva lo of the 'Troublemakers' .
Sheffield is proud of its Peaceful Protest heritage (I spent 2 years protesting under trees, Google the Sheffield Tree Protests).
I can foresee there will obviously be arrests, but I can guarantee there will be nothing like we've seen from other Cities.
Sorry for the long winded post.
Stay safe my lovely CC fam 🙏✌️


New member
Aug 7, 2024
You can see where our concern was coming from when kids were mentioned ? Why did Barry suddenly mention young girls? because that was totally off topic and it came out of no where, so again you can see why some of us feel your whole conversation was to do with children, your own children to be specific, and how long ago did this happen? because I would be pissed if you sat on it knowing he's giving pure vibes of being a predator/groomer.
You've got some balls jumping in here to clear things up, so fair play.
BTW.. drugging people without their knowledge is fed up tbh.
I could try and explain why he just came out with it, but I can only come up with maybe he suddenly became ill and confused, but no because I won't make excuses for him and try and provide a reason for it when he didn't even do that himself. We were talking about it last night after it happened and it did make me think of when predators 'hide in plain sight' and drop hints to their real character, but maybe I'm.gojng into it too deeply? Could it have been 'dupers delight'? I just don't know and it makes me feel sick thinking about it and we are currently re-runnung every conversation we've had with him to try and figure out if there were any signs and also what the hell are we supposed to do now?

Btw it wasn't without their consent, if it came across like that, then it was for comic effect, but I suppose I really rethink what was funny back then really isn't now and stop making jokes like that.