If we really break it down, isn't everything we do a reaction to an action? Why do they think that makes HOW THEY CHOSE TO REACT ok? "they were a t to me, so I was a t back, and now I'm flabbergasted that they're reacting to my reaction by continuing to be a t towards me"?
You can't control other people's actions, but you can control how you choose to react to them, so this "I was just reacting" bullshit as if you had no say over how you reacted can do off. There's quite specific circumstances and criteria for what constitutes "reactive abuse" (which is clearly what they all think they can claim). It does not cover the tit-for-tat bollocks these dramatokkers partake in day in, day out.
You can't control other people's actions, but you can control how you choose to react to them, so this "I was just reacting" bullshit as if you had no say over how you reacted can do off. There's quite specific circumstances and criteria for what constitutes "reactive abuse" (which is clearly what they all think they can claim). It does not cover the tit-for-tat bollocks these dramatokkers partake in day in, day out.