Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

May 16, 2024
Angie does self harm though. Does she do it everytime? No. But she is known to make small wounds and smear the blood. She doesn't need to have obvious scars.
agreed misha collins GIF
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
So the person screaming day in and day out about how bad her mental health is. Has the help she needs in her stanky ass bedroom right now yet her and her comments are making a joke out of it.

Cardi B Hoax GIF
She can complain about it everyday and have everything available to her. The only thing that'll help is her wanting to change and she doesn't. She's not ready 🤷‍♀️
May 16, 2024
That's why Iv not even been commenting much about this subject cause I get annoyed diliigaf 😭
It's such a delicate topic. She's an absolute t who weaponises & exaggerates it, but that doesn't mean she doesn't do anything. Will forever want to politely smash a brick in her face for it, though. 😂

fing typo. I hate typing on my tablet. 😂


Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
I disagree, i see a very troubled young girl who is self medicating to escape the reality that she doesn't want to face, i've been there and done it, the only difference being, mine were all prescribed meds.

So please tell me, does that make me a drain on society in your eyes? but wait, if I told you i was a functional addict would that change your opinion?

A drain on society are the scumbags who wont even get out of bed to even look for a job, or they'll rob your gaff to feed their habits or they'll walk out of a supermarket with a trolly full of food because they're too born idle and don't know work a hard days graft is. - Thats a drain on society.

Now I'm sure if i remember rightly she has had a job and she recently started a new job but trolls contacted her work place, so NOT everyone milks the benefit system, I don't like the girl however I'm not narrow minded and i can still separate my dislike of someone to see a troubled girl who has lost herself to addiction, for reason's unbeknown to any of us.
I have to agree with you. I am a recovering addict and I’ve been clean for many years. I was born addicted to heroin cos my mum was an active user and my drug addiction started at the age of 13 with cannabis and I went onto class As. I’ve also been sober for the last 3 years, I was a functioning addict went thru school, university and held down good jobs. So I totally agree that we’re not all a drain on society