Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Pretty much the same here, pretty much put it back where you found it & they stink btw 😂
No I have a weak stomach 🥴 I'm gonna take it to the vets along the road and see what they recommend, I don't mind paying if it means they get it fit and healthy and release it somewhere.


Be aware of the vast amount of fleas. Vast. Fascinatingly vast.

If you are keeping it in a box, especially outside, fill a bottle with hot water and wrap the bottle in a towel as a makeshift heat pad type thing.
Fleas and it smelling 😱 I think I'll try the vets first, if not I'll take it home. Thanks 🤎
Nov 14, 2023
Every Where
I’ve been really struggling with this lately because like most here, I find myself getting frustrated with her and her determination to be friends with Angela.

When that happens, l remind myself of the blues musician Daryl Davis, who I have immense respect for since learning his story years ago. If you don’t want to click a link luvs, search his name and KKK.

To sum it up super quickly, Daryl spent 30 years befriending members of the Ku Klux Klan (possibly the most extreme racist movement). He converted 200 klansmen and took their white robes 🥹 He did so with sharing his love of music, patience and likely a whole host of other strengths.

The context is very different but there’s a sliver of a similar principle - determination and healing hatred with love. Is that what’s happening? I don’t know but I keep reminding myself of it 🩵
I love this. I really have been trying to find the silver lining but my vision is cloudy from all the side eyes Im giving them lol.
Jul 29, 2024
lick lips GIF
That’s what I imagine Alex looks like when he’s tugging one off on live 🤢
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
The vets have taken the hedgehog in.. I named it CC 😭
According to the receptionist its the 3rd one they've had brought in this morning, it was only a hogglet and its probably wondered off, they'll feed it and release it somewhere safe, so that's my good deed done for the year.
I didn't even think it was a baby because it looked chunky 😭👀
May 16, 2024
I love that everyone is all "ugh, cc are mean, vile trolls who don't give a do about anyone. They're just bullies who would bully their mother for her last spring roll." And in the last 24 hours we've peered pressured someone to pursue medical care they desperately need AND came together to help a baby hedgehog AND defended our squishiest marshmallow against a demonic fart attack.

Suck It Season 6 GIF by Superstore

end yes GIF

in your face boom GIF by Omaze