Yes she was on that show uks spoilt kids or something. She was a t, demanding money even when her parents were struggling.Wasn't Gracie an absolute money grabbing b to her parents
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Pineapple sisters are live
Its about all that's interesting right now unfortunatelyI'd rather s in my hands and clap
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Pineapple sisters are live
I don't know who said it, but someone just said that either lied about having a kid when she was 16 or she's lying about being 40 next year, because her eldest is 21.
I can believe you forget a lot of s about someone when you cut ties, I know I have, but you still know basic information.
And if did cut ties 20 years ago, that's still after she was 16. How do you not know?I don't know who said it, but someone just said that either lied about having a kid when she was 16 or she's lying about being 40 next year, because her eldest is 21.
I can believe you forget a lot of s about someone when you cut ties, I know I have, but you still know basic information.
Awwww bless himOk Tyrones showing his little one off and he looks so happy and blessed
That's cheered me up , I'll stop being a miserable t now
🥹 I wish I could tell you all her name. It actually begins with a C x@Jeppers_creepers as much as I'm happy for Tyrone, you can see the happiness in his face
He'll never EVER be the first CC baby!
🥹 I wish I could tell you all her name. It actually begins with a C x