Beer swigging wine swigging pig
Oh wow I didn’t know that,Itchy feet are a sign of liver disease, I went to doc with itchy feet and because I’m on autoimmune medication they thought it was my liver but it’s because I produce too much histamine
She has no idea, last week when she was answering questions on angies live Lynz said she should get a TikTok and Sheila asked if that will get her money and lynz said the only way to get money was to do TikTok shop and earn commission, they didn’t mention giftsI don’t think Sheila even realises how much money she makes every day. Angie is a selfish greedy b with not helping out with the bills.
Angela bought Zac for her father, but she raised him as a puppy and resents Jason for walking away when Zac (as a puppy) was running after him.Seems like Nanny G is taking over again, she’s switched off the comments.