Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Mar 5, 2024
The M20
regarding his weight, why did he get a fing gastric sleeve? i thought these extreme life altering surgeries were a last resort for morbidly obese people before it’s too late…

he wasn’t stick thin but only a couple of stone off perfectly healthy bmi… am i missing something others aren’t? feel like it’s never talked about because gracie got hers at the same time. no way would a uk doctor agree to such a thing

Youre entitled to your opinion but gastric sleeves aren't only for the morbidly obese.

I had a gastric sleeve in the UK privately by a NHS doctor - to qualify you need to be BMI 30+ plus which is obesity stage one. Someone like Gracie/Lawrence are not on the same spectrum - they've had bypasses which are different to sleeves.

I wasn't massive but at 5'1 I don't carry weight well and following pregnancy my body hurt along with my motivation being at an all time low.

It might only be 'a few stone' overweight but they might have yoyo'd that weight for years and you have no idea the mental impact it could be having.

Let's not judge people for making choices that benefit their health. 🤷
May 16, 2024
Oh, what a shock, Dorans is back up Angela's arse now too.

Bored Christopher Walken GIF