Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


I know angie has mentioned deceased loved ones, which i find sick and twisted. But You can not take the moral high ground and play the victim now that you've gone around the app mocking a victim of knife crime (A child) and the same stands for those who are defending Taurian.
You're all a bunch of spineless fers who only care about 'Who's in your gang' you've never even met these people, and yet your willing to defend them, and that shows me you're no better than the scumbag you're defending.
Who had this clip? I’ve just seen it happened over a week ago, why’s it only just come out after Taurian had a go at Angie last night?
I’d have put that s out there as soon as it happened
It was put up hours before she had a go at Angie I think when I looked it had already been up 5 hours, still not the point though it should have been put up straight away
I know angie has mentioned deceased loved ones, which i find sick and twisted. But You can not take the moral high ground and play the victim now that you've gone around the app mocking a victim of knife crime (A child) and the same stands for those who are defending Taurian.
You're all a bunch of spineless fers who only care about 'Who's in your gang' you've never even met these people, and yet your willing to defend them, and that shows me you're no better than the scumbag you're defending.
Whilst she also mocked sex workers by calling her mum a jezzy, she also mocked her son's stoma bag which he's left with for the rest of his life, she also mocked incest which they spent weeks if not months going at Angie for


Omg Mary you'll have to do an exposure on me when you get back Iv been accused of doxing someone 😭
Thats actually the funniest thing I've heard since joining cc. 😂
In all seriousness blaming someone for doxxing without proof is just as bad as doxxing someone, my opinion.
You're planting a seed and playing a dangerous game, because some viewers are that thick they'll believe it and run with it.
It is funny though, sorry. 😭😭