Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

May 16, 2024

Blackout has fed up Pissy. So she's in the "who gives a do box". Possibly Cories night to get fed off if she gets pissed.

Taurian is done, she's in a box battle.

Tik tok exposed is always frothing. She's seeing an in but will have to go through Canangie to level up.

Still mileage in baby A and Falicia but that's fs giving it big un on the back of the bus. Not enough space for wild wailing and they've got to get off at different stops.
Come In GIF by StickerGiant
90s popcorn GIF


Mar 6, 2024
In my cauldron
I had a very in depth conversation with another CC member recently (I won’t out them 🩵) and it really helped me work out some things. I’ve always held back from speaking out on Baguette and kept giving her chance after chance (internally), when things would happen that I’d normally react to or have an opinion on.

I always thought of her as a CC’er first and TikTok’er second and as with any of you, it felt inappropriate to critique or have an opinion on her - I always went direct to her privately with issues. I didn’t/don’t judge others for speaking on her, it’s healthy to debate and talk - I think it promotes healing and closure. I believe I was wrong and I should’ve communicated more.

After my most recent interaction with her (the Big Gob video deletion), I stopped being silent. I haven’t trashed her as that’s not my style but I’ve made the odd joke and agreed with others’ sentiments and it got me blocked. I’m ok with that because I did all I could to try and make whatever back and forth we had, work. I was always straight forward, honest and did my best to pacify things for her, with CC.

I ended up likely being made a fool of to be honest but I’m ok with that because sometimes life hands you lessons and I’d be an actual fool if I didn’t learn from this 🩵


If you’re feeling like replying with a video Baguette, I’d respect you more if you replied here @cloud. These niche CC videos on TikTok aren’t a form of communication, it’s an attempt to intimidate people with your platform. We’re all adults and we either hash it out here because we’re mostly blocked on your platform or this playground nonsense continues.

Your efforts say more about you as a person my lovely, it shows you’re peaceful, kind & forgiving, which sadly are often wasted gifts on some people.

I’m glad you got it all off your chest, now you can move forward and put her out of your mind. I agree it’s all very childish, that videos are made, that get very few views tbh, instead of having discussions in here, like an actual adult.