Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Apr 16, 2024
Here there and everywhere
That's the most ironic part for me, she explained how much tiktok was negatively affecting her family life and her presence even when her granddaughter would speak too her and she was too focused on tiktok to even acknowledge her existence. To go back on that to me seems like you have chosen tiktok over family dynamic.
Proof it's all bollocks, like her new "It Girl" image it'll end in tears.
Feb 29, 2024
Basically her and delulu crawling up each others ass.
They'd been on the phone yesterday for an hour and a half. Delulu demanded she came back (even though she acted surprised when the comments initially told her she was coming back)
Alot of fake compliments thrown about -'oh ange you looked lovely yesterday'
She's apparently going to unblock all those she has blocked and start afresh (I imagine with the words pounding, chinese, flowers already in the muted list)
That’s a very silly thing for her to do considering her account is unprotected at the minute 🤣


Cockercunt wasn't being called out, Lisa was.
Miss baguette messaged cockerpoo to apologise and to warn her she was going to highlight it, it came from cockerpoos mouth. Which is why there's so many questions flying around. I can't comment on Lisa as I went off for a couple of days, but I can understand the way it looks because cc have been called hypocrites in the past.


May 9, 2024
hello I came from MissBagettes video where she posted the photos of Jenny? And said it's all over comment cafe I took it as an invite to come and see her get doxed Iv been reading and watching and I'm really confused.

This isn't just something Cockerpoo has done once or twice, she's been torturing lisa marie in the comments all week.

Shes been getting in boxes saying she's looking at Lisa's social media. That she might be Jenny. She said the other day "Lisa you know I'm on your Facebook.... wait I mean ehm I'm blocked I'm blocked" she's adding fuel to an already very sensitive situation.

Is this all satire or something I don't understand doxing someone's photos in a troll group if youse are worried about her
Mar 10, 2024
This is going to be wild. Surely the last move you'd make when you're in such a precarious position (given most of the app haven't had time to 'miss' her and have been mocking her) is to go and allude to, someone's past involvement with an online group know for releasing private information and winding others up to the point they've gained this Voldemort hush hush status.
That doesn't seem very bright.
@MissBaguette I'm scrolling back to try and find screen recordings. But it's not as impactful as watching it live. This comments from sunday. There's a couple from when it was going on and we were discussing it. When it was all happening the statements that you've quote J saying are off the back of the things we heard from cockerpoo only minutes prior. I'll still scroll to see if anyone posted recordings but I dunno if this jogs your memory.
@MissBaguette Oh look at this, the final time last night Judas explained what went on. Tagged you twice, too. We still not understanding? 🙄 or do we need to be on the FYP for what we say to matter? 🕺🏼
Feb 29, 2024
Angie has always wanted to be part of Reds inner circle... she was really affected when she didn't get an invite to their EDL party. It's no surprise that she's using this as an excuse to lick Reds ring piece.
She’s actually a nutcase! Imagine someone you thought was your friend sharing your naked vids around, and mocking them in a group chat and then uploading onto social media….. and then being delusional enough to think they care about you! It would be funny if it wasn’t so dark 😳🤣