Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

May 6, 2024
West midland
I said it first actually. You came in and attacked everyone and told us how we need to act. So I told you, as a newbie, don’t be telling us what we need to do, and go do off. You’re really embarrassing yourself. I’m telling Judas!
How new are they 😂 what happened to the 3 comment limit 😂 could really do with it for this one 😂😂😂😂


New member
May 20, 2024
A far off distance
I'm waiting to be humbled! 😫
Chop Chop Love GIF by The Bachelor
Are you dictating if my opinion is worth value because I’m a new little troll? Are you putting yourself in the collective WE of CC? Could you please state your position in the Comment Cafe Clique?
How new are they 😂 what happened to the 3 comment limit 😂 could really do with it for this one 😂😂😂😂
It says “new member” next to their name and states they joined Monday 😂😂. This is wild. Feels like they’re as unstable as Irish Kelly. I fear for their furniture at this point
Mar 10, 2024
What it’s true though. Oooooo look at me I’m seetbutsour from CC let me in a box like my opinion is fact not biased. No that member from cc is new their opinion ain’t relevant because it differs from ours! Sorry let’s prep the sacrifice before they are anointed in the CC clique, have they been vetted as a good troll! Get out of here with the s! You’re only a good troll because you’ve relied upon the feelings of others to validate you!
Animated GIF
Mar 2, 2024
What it’s true though. Oooooo look at me I’m seetbutsour from CC let me in a box like my opinion is fact not biased. No that member from cc is new their opinion ain’t relevant because it differs from ours! Sorry let’s prep the sacrifice before they are anointed in the CC clique, have they been vetted as a good troll! Get out of here with the s! You’re only a good troll because you’ve relied upon the feelings of others to validate you!

Who’s this t with a hard on for Sweet?! I didn’t realise we were an aftercare clinic for walking abortions.

Can we claim carers allowance for raging prolapses with inferiority complexes? Could do with some money so I can gift Sweet when she gets in a box and slays the gimps 🥹
Are you dictating if my opinion is worth value because I’m a new little troll? Are you putting yourself in the collective WE of CC? Could you please state your position in the Comment Cafe Clique?
@Anonymous is indeed one of the clique. Please speak to them with RESPECT
south park cartman GIF
May 6, 2024
West midland
It says “new member” next to their name and states they joined Monday 😂😂. This is wild. Feels like they’re as unstable as Irish Kelly. I fear for their furniture at this point
They are most definitely over their 3 comment limit 😂 we must take this to the higher ups! JUDDDAAAAASSSSSSS! OR SOMEONE IN THE CLIQUE WHO HOLDS A HIGH POSITION 😂

Bolt down the furniture peeps it's about to get wild 😂
May 6, 2024
West midland
Who’s this t with a hard on for Sweet?! I didn’t realise we were an aftercare clinic for walking abortions.

Can we claim carers allowance for raging prolapses with inferiority complexes? Could do with some money so I can gift Sweet when she gets in a box and slays the gimps 🥹
Annnndddd this is my queue to leave 😂 nice knowing you I said nuffink 😂
They are most definitely over their 3 comment limit 😂 we must take this to the higher ups! JUDDDAAAAASSSSSSS! OR SOMEONE IN THE CLIQUE WHO HOLDS A HIGH POSITION 😂

Bolt down the furniture peeps it's about to get wild 😂
I’m Zias Gifting Badge, I am assistant to the senior manager (Judas). I shall see what I can do