Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Apr 10, 2024
This is going to be a long post, sorry cc!

I don't know if you've forgotten or if you've been naive enough to forgive but Canadian Angie allowed Delulu into her live, gave Delulu a box and was actively blowing smoke up Delulu's arse and praising her despite the fact that Canadian Angie  knew (she knew) what Delulu had said to (and about) you very recently prior to that.
You were in the comments and Canadian ignored you despite you commenting multiple times (many times), a lot ot cc were there as well (including moi) and were also telling Canadian Angie to drop Delulu and why she needed to drop Delulu.

Canadian Angie ignored your comments, Cal, she  actively ignored your comments - yet she replied to mine, she read it out and replied and kept Delulu in the box after. Canadian Angie said she would message you, you said yourself in your own live (perhaps the next day, maybe two days after) that Canadian Angie hadn't messaged you.
During your live I was defending you when Canadian Angie came in, she requested the box but you were dancing and I didn't give her the box straight away so she got mad at me.

You were mad at Canadian Angie too (during that live that you held) and tried to explain to her but she was having none of it, you tried to tell her about the comments made to you by David and Canadian Angie said she "...didn't want to hear something that would trigger  her..."

Bella was also there and when I commented telling Canadian Angie to watch her own live back (which she can) because then she would see herself ignoring you and answering me Bella told me I was gaslighting ? (gaslighting!) Canadian Angie. Telling someone to rewatch their live is  not gaslighting.

Still after that I was willing to do whatever, if you forgave Canadian Angie then so be it.

However it wasn't long after that when Canadian Angie had Tony (known for DV and also previously being in a relationship with a minor) in her boxes and was kissing his arse so extremely it was nauseating. They joked back and forth about Tony going to Canada.

During another live Canadian Angie was talking about teenagers and it was a discussion about matters related to the nonce Alfie Canadian Angie made a vile comment alluding to the fact that she could potentially pass for a teenager during her musings - I commented about it here because it was a vile thing to say. A grown woman saying she could possibly be mistaken for a teenager?
The exact quote she used, off the back of a traumatic story being shared, were;

"...but you know what, I don't have big boobs, I'm pretty ya'know...normal...and I'm very thin, I could pass for...I couldn't pass for fourteen, but...(laughter from others in the boxes)...I'm just saying, you don't have to be like today like extremely developed." - Canadian Angie

I have that recorded, those words are direct from her mouth.

Many of cc have laughed with you. We've backed you (fiercely), Cal.
But now? You've threatened multiple people - and done so with the vilest of words after things were already heightened because of Tony.
There are no excuses for this behaviour.

Come for one, come for all.
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A quick update as dont want anyone to think im ignoring them x
Just want to say thankyou to those who have messaged me ect I'm not ok and too top it off at 9:10am I got a call from my sons school to say he had fallen off a skateboard and they had called an ambulance, long story short there were no ambulances but luckily we drive so we took him ourselves hes broke 2 bones his arm and the bones have perforated through his skin we are currently at a 2nd hospital waiting too take him into ressus too go from there. I'm absolutely filled with anxiety already from the s tony said and I've not slept, i am not and never have been part of any groups what so ever, but right now my little boy is much more important 💙
A quick update as dont want anyone to think im ignoring them x
Just want to say thankyou to those who have messaged me ect I'm not ok and too top it off at 9:10am I got a call from my sons school to say he had fallen off a skateboard and they had called an ambulance, long story short there were no ambulances but luckily we drive so we took him ourselves hes broke 2 bones his arm and the bones have perforated through his skin we are currently at a 2nd hospital waiting too take him into ressus too go from there. I'm absolutely filled with anxiety already from the s tony said and I've not slept, i am not and never have been part of any groups what so ever, but right now my little boy is much more important 💙
Hoping your boy gets quick and great treatment and heals up fast. Take care of yourself, don’t worry about us 🤎🤎

stoney 😈

May 27, 2024
suck ya mum
If you’re getting messages of our comments Angie. Then whoever is sending them to her, send her this.

You’re a fing t who always sides with wrongens. You’re a disgusting vile excuse of a human being.​

Can everyone check the group chat! I managed to find out some info about angies mum and dad! You will all be shook! At this point we are gonna have to make a five hour long YouTube video just like the elfbar one! 🤣
This is going to be a long post, sorry cc!

I don't know if you've forgotten or if you've been naive enough to forgive but Canadian Angie allowed Delulu into her live, gave Delulu a box and was actively blowing smoke up Delulu's arse and praising her despite the fact that Canadian Angie  knew (she knew) what Delulu had said to (and about) you very recently prior to that.
You were in the comments and Canadian ignored you despite you commenting multiple times (many times), a lot ot cc were there as well (including moi) and were also telling Canadian Angie to drop Delulu and why she needed to drop Delulu.

Canadian Angie ignored your comments, Cal, she  actively ignored your comments - yet she replied to mine, she read it out and replied and kept Delulu in the box after. Canadian Angie said she would message you, you said yourself in your own live (perhaps the next day, maybe two days after) that Canadian Angie hadn't messaged you.
During your live I was defending you when Canadian Angie came in, she requested the box but you were dancing and I didn't give her the box straight away so she got mad at me.

You were mad at Canadian Angie too (during that live that you held) and tried to explain to her but she was having none of it, you tried to tell her about the comments made to you BT David and Canadian Angie said she "...didn't want to hear something that would trigger  her..."

Bella was also there and when I commented telling Canadian Angie to watch her own live back (which she can) because then she would see herself ignoring you and answering me Bella told me I was gaslighting gaslighting Canadian Angie. Telling someone to rewatch their live is  not gaslighting.

Still after that I was willing to do whatever, if you forgave Canadian Angie then so be it.

However it wasn't long after that when Canadian Angie had Tony (known for DV and also previously being in a relationship with a minor) in her boxes and was kissing his arse so extremely it was nauseating. They joked back and forth about Tony going to Canada.

During another live Canadian Angie was talking about teenagers and it was a discussing about matters related to the nonce Alfie Canadian Angie made a vile comment alluding to the fact that she could potentially pass for a teenager during her musings - I commented about it here because it was a vile thing to say. A grown woman saying she could possibly be mistaken for a teenager?
The exact quote she used, off the back of a traumatic story being shared, were;

"...but you know what, I don't have big boobs, I'm pretty ya'know...normal...and I'm very thin, I could pass for...I couldn't pass for fourteen, but...(laughter from others in the boxes)...I'm just saying, you don't have to be like today like extremely developed." - Canadian Angie

I have that recorded, those words are direct from her mouth.

Many of cc have laughed with you. We've backed you (fiercely), Cal.
But now? You've threatened multiple people - and done so with the vilest of words after things were already heightened because of Tony.
There are no excuses for this behaviour.

Come for one, come for all.
That was beautiful 😍
Apr 10, 2024
That was beautiful 😍
Danke, I'm sure there's plenty of other sketchy stuff Canadian Angie has done/said that I haven't witnessed/recorded but if Cal wants to back a creepy DV and ped enabler (Canadian Angie having Tony and Angie in her boxes and rimming them) over people that supported him and only ever tried to make him smile then that's on him 🥰