Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Nov 10, 2023
I’m not mouthy I’m a lady

Downton Abbey Fancy GIF by Sky España
Mar 2, 2024
aye i am like i said my nephew has down syndrome so have a fin good right to be and thinking you lot would kinda back us but nope

My mum was a teacher in a special needs school. My whole life I’ve been around adults and children with Down syndrome. I see kids I knew in my teens who still run up to me to say hello. People with Down syndrome have a special place in my heart. Believe me, I understand your anger. We all feel anger and disgust.

No one here agrees with what EQ said. It’s disgusting. All we’ve done is discuss an effective way of making a stand.

EQ loves attention. Loves it. It’s finding away of making a stand without her creaming over it

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
The fact you all run with that milkshake story is hilarious go and look at his main the proof is on there of who the real yazoo guy is 🤣 you will all believe anything that gets put out there, he lives rent free in your heads not the other way around he finds all funny as do, he came in here on his no name account and chilled with you all for 5 months and in the process has made you all paranoid to the point thst any account that comes in you think is him or connected to him 🤣🤣🤣🤣, you all affected and you have made secret group chats since he played you all well johnny is a legend 🙌🏆🏆🏆🏆
im horny jack nicholson GIF
it canny funny how uou all get paranoid thinking im alex. Ive seem yous in alexs chat trying to pull other instead of pulling eq. You all up her hairy hoop or scared of her
Can you please enlighten us who's up eqs hoop? Because i don't like her dont watch her either. Thing is none of these platforms can call her out because they've all done the same or worse. So what exactly do you want from people? Do you like angie because have you heard her words today...

Deleted member 3022

New member
Apr 8, 2024
West midlands
Johnny get off the smack 😭 get some narcan, some Orange juice a shower and come back with a clean head and check how much your embarrassing yourself
I'm just the messenger..🤣🖕
Check group chat. Just had some info on Johnny that passed over.
Do you think johnny cares what getting past over, the people that's passing things over are the plm lot which means you are all working eith plm and sausage make it make sense sausage and judas are in very comfy chats 😀 you all run around tiktok acting high and mighty with morals but are in comfy group chats or one on one chats with the likes of sausage 😭 johnny disnt give a do what you all get passed over most of it is him fighting back at fs who have done the most to his kids and others kids comment cafe is in close affiliation with sausage and plm 2.0 😭😭😭😭
Mar 2, 2024
but then can be everybody reflecting from what eq has said which is my problem right now.

Who in here is deflecting? No one stands with EQ no one. I personally want all the fers held accountable.

I’m sick of these fers getting away
with it

People forget, people defend, people deflect. It’s frustrating as do for all of us.
aye i am like i said my nephew has down syndrome so have a fin good right to be and thinking you lot would kinda back us but nope
Eq craves the attention just like the rest that words been thrown round today so much. The word is disgusting but you have to realise these platforms will continue to use it for attention, now if you think that means we agree with it then you'd be very wrong.
Feb 29, 2024
Nobody played down what EQ said , if you look last night some of us actually discussed the comments on here , not everyone was around last night so some may not have actually seen it. Rather than coming in guns blazing hoping to get your point across you've just attacked a full forum of people. 🤷‍♂️
He needs receipts!!