Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
Bird Popcorn GIF


No one accused you of being 19 🤣 you act like you don't know plm story but you do, the things you know only og,s could know also are you working with sausage ? Also your very friendly with kazzys mod SL4G kazzys mod that screenshot is kazzys live showing her as mod reciepts don't lie Screenshot_20240613_125410_WhatsApp.jpg Screenshot_20240619_012859_TikTok.jpg
Plm is something I had never heard of before joining here, I know very little about it, but you're trying to insinuate that someone's part of, or been part of plm because they interact with someone YOU know from plm? If that's the case then you're also implying that myself and a few other members of CC are also linked to that fed up group. I've liked or laughed at their posts before, so does that mean I'm a twisted, fed up beast and part of a warped vile group?? And what does it make You? because from what you've said, you seem to know more about them than most people on here.
Apr 10, 2024
You arnt innocent either are you ? Keep bazzas name out your mouth bazza is a legend
Imagine defending someone who routinely harasses women for no apparent reason...
Oh, my bad, I forgot who I was talking to for a second - of course you're defending a weirdo, by your standards he's practically a saint isn't he
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
Stop obsessing over an old woman and her lady parts it's really wrongen behaviour some of the things you have wrote about that innocent old woman is disgraceful STOP IT
You know the video we post of an old woman in the mirror is Tracey right? It's Tracey offering Sunday smoke. I'm unsure why you think Tracey looks like her mother's "lady parts" is very strange.
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
What you talking about I'm not on about any video I'm talking about how some of these twats were obsessing over her lady parts it's disgusting but I think you were actually sticking up for them the other day I'm talking about some of your pals in here I'll post it all when I can be assed most of these fers are walking contradictions it's funny as do lmao 🤣
I get it you're a busy man. Take your time man.