Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Mar 10, 2024
Angry Season 4 GIF by The Office
Animated GIF
Nov 10, 2023
Omg guys does anyone remember positive princess

I’m going through all my recordings of angies lives now and just found one with positive princess in, and I keep seeing her everywhere on TikTok at the minute, and it was a live about proving she lied about losing a baby because people found a news clip video of a poorly baby that she used in her videos claiming it was her baby but it was a totally different baby. I didn’t even click positive princess was this person when I seen her around. Just so people are aware of it.
Feb 29, 2024
Omg guys does anyone remember positive princess

I’m going through all my recordings of angies lives now and just found one with positive princess in, and I keep seeing her everywhere on TikTok at the minute, and it was a live about proving she lied about losing a baby because people found a news clip video of a poorly baby that she used in her videos claiming it was her baby but it was a totally different baby. I didn’t even click positive princess was this person when I seen her around. Just so people are aware of it.
Not sure I remember her as unfortunately we've had a couple of questionable people on TT
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
Can you imagine the influx of 'set to everyone'? You'd have to wear full PPE for some of them!

I did try and send you a little check-in message but as it wasn't possible, I left you a little one on a comment 😊
Hope you're feeling much better after Monday. I've managed a 5 min skive off, but I'm supposed to be completing my course enrolment 🤣
You’re someone I would let in 😭 leave it with me 🩵 it’s not because I’m antisocial but more so that I find it very overwhelming to reply and I try my best to help and that can be a risky path to go down. I’ve learnt over the years I need to be firm with boundaries for my own sake 😅

Not long until your next break poppet, good luck with everything and the promotion 😍


Morning feckers! 🤎
This is totally off topic but It's something thats been bothering me, I couldn't help noticing there was some in house beef last night, and whilst I'm all for calling weirdos on fake accounts out, I do think there maybe a little misunderstanding and some confusion when it comes to @Mrs f I've gone back through their posts and I can't see why they are being blamed for being behind the 'Sammy' account that's kissing Alex's and Angies arse. If it's based solely on one comment they made in here then I think it's a bit harsh and a bit unfair to then suddenly blame them for being someone they're not, I remember when other members were blamed for being someone and everyone on here (well most of us) told them not to worry about it and there was no need to explain themselves, yet last night i sat and watched someone being slaughtered for the exact same reason. So until i have further proof they are behind that account, i will treat them like I treat any other member on here, I don't like it when accusations are thrown around based on a comment they made.
I would hate for it to happen to any of you on here, s sticks and once seeds of doubt have been planted they tend to grow like wildfire. Anyway, that's all I needed to say as it didn't sit right with me so i had to get it off my chest.
Sorry my grammar sucks today so don't call me out on it. 😘🤎