Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Apr 16, 2023
A progress reward and a "caught being kind" reward 😂 any basic kindness that needs rewarding is obviously coming from a child whose usually unkind.. I wonder where he learns that.

Also the juicy watch killed me DEAD 💀

That man also looks old enough to be my dad so what, she's escorting now? What a slapper.
"Caught being kind" that needs a reward 🤯 that is something you teach your kids from a young age, and you call yourself a good mother KK them kids are fkd with you as there mother.Instead of slagging about with random strangers you should spend more time teaching your kid's the basic things in life.
Apr 21, 2023
"Caught being kind" that needs a reward 🤯 that is something you teach your kids from a young age, and you call yourself a good mother KK them kids are fkd with you as there mother.Instead of slagging about with random strangers you should spend more time teaching your kid's the basic things in life.
I have never ever ever seen an award “caught being kind” I’ve had 3 go through school and have many nieces and nephews! She thinks that’s a flex! I call that a huge red flag and an indirect pointer to her that she needs to address this issue asap.
Apr 16, 2023
I have never ever ever seen an award “caught being kind” I’ve had 3 go through school and have many nieces and nephews! She thinks that’s a flex! I call that a huge red flag and an indirect pointer to her that she needs to address this issue asap.
Same here, i've 2 that has went through school and 1 still in school and i've never heard of a reward like that,for him to get that reward there is obviously issue's with him in school " him being the naughty kid " all along eh KK yet you blamed the other child.Neglectful parenting on your side, teach your kids manners.
Apr 16, 2023
"Caught being kind" that needs a reward 🤯 that is something you teach your kids from a young age, and you call yourself a good mother KK them kids are fkd with you as there mother.Instead of slagging about with random strangers you should spend more time teaching your kid's the basic things in life.

My thoughts exactly. Just goes to show doesn't how hard the school are trying to instil kindness in the child.
The only time kindness had ever been mentioned in reguards to my child at school is in their school report praising them for being kind 24/7 and having manners. They've been rewarded for work, extra curricular activities, exams and so on.. but never kindness? The only kids I know who need things like that are the little ss with neglectful horrible parents. The ones that hit their parents in the playground and scream and shout back and forth with the mother screaming as well. Sound familiar, @Buddha_belly ?

I have such second hand embarrassment over her "viral" post as well. And bragging about her measly likes on of when RG who she hates sooo much has over 2million hahahaa.

I can just see her now, flouncing round Covent garden thinking she'd the dogs bollox, all while leeching and scrounging off of that old man she was with all day! And did she mean a pic with the stall merchant? What an absolute fing nutter if so! She probably asked what "flavour" scents they had and made a right prick of herself.

I really hope that man's okay. Let's all pray for him guys. Its only a matter of time before she goes for his jugular 😭
Apr 17, 2023
I bet she felt like a proper Lardashian being treated to a meal in London 🤣🤣 I’ve been to that restaurant and it’s actually really good so let her bash it while she talks into her phone eating defrosted pate on defrosted toast in the coming days because she got ghosted or some s 🙄🤣
Lardashian I’m ☠️