Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Aug 1, 2023
Annnnnd as usual she totally misses the point.
Give Dan some time on his own to get himself a decent woman.
Being a decent dad doesn't mean doing EVERYTHING while you sit on your fat arse.
Also don't judge us by your poor experience of life. No greying dressing gown, smelling of fake tan here 😂

Just go on the attack of everyone and play the victim. It's a continuous cycle, it's boring! 😴
thats how shes still controlling him. no way would she allow him to have someone else. i hope to god hes texting some fit bird. but what you don't know doesnt hurt you right KK :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::LOL::LOL:
Aug 1, 2023
Sorry Paul looks like your her target today
fing hell KK you really are obsessed with us all and paul aren't you. Is it because you can't control him and thats why your harassing and bullying him on line, sharing his photos. you actually look like a really sad lonely individual. I think paul is a wonderful person. Changed woman arent you. Left the drama behind didnt you. Every single fing day you moan about something and thats not talking about your peverted moaning in the kids play area, thats moaning about men. No wonder no f wants you. You have nothing to offer, nothing to give. You have no prospects, no career, no kids that love you, they just have no choice but to put up with you. You can clearly see they prefer their dad. He shows them love and attention, you show them nothing but nasty behaviour.
Why don't you show your pathetic little group of followers your whole account on comment café, why only show them part of it?
You have SERIOUS obsessive behaviours over several individuals and its actually quite disturbing.
Apr 16, 2023
Is this muppet fkn serious,i for 1 have been with my partner over 30 yr he is the father to my 3 kids,and by the way he's not now or ever has been a fluke, and everyday and weekend he spends time with the kid's as a FAMILY, Dan only spends time with kids as he has no choice,because if he didn't you would make his life hell,he also looks after the kids as your incapable of looking after them yourself, you make him watch kids so you can play out with random strangers sitting in cars as you think that's a flex, he's hanging round with you because he's a fkn wet wipe ,he ain't a man he's your 3rd child as you have said many a time ,and whilst hes watching kids your still slagging men off that want fk all to do with you all over SM
Apr 16, 2023
Paul is not harassing you Kayleigh. Have to post lies on the gram for some sympathy?
608 pages, KK show your muppets all the pages that your on, as for Paul if any1 stalking its you,remember you blocked him,he hasn't been able to contact you since that night ,stop fkn lying you cretin, is your following low hence bringing paul back in the picture you sad b

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
608 pages, KK show your muppets all the pages that your on, as for Paul if any1 stalking its you,remember you blocked him,he hasn't been able to contact you since that night ,stop fkn lying you cretin, is your following low hence bringing paul back in the picture you sad b
Are you sure she wrote this? 🤔

There are no spelling mistakes ..
Apr 16, 2023
Brilliant! 😆👏
The "steel rod" was a steel straw that she brought in her handbag, and thought it would be funny for her gram

Traffic must have been slow today, such a shame, she seemed like such a nice girl ..
That's exactly why she's mentioned you and plastered you all over her social media, her following must have dropped big style
Apr 12, 2023
Is this muppet fkn serious,i for 1 have been with my partner over 30 yr he is the father to my 3 kids,and by the way he's not now or ever has been a fluke, and everyday and weekend he spends time with the kid's as a FAMILY, Dan only spends time with kids as he has no choice,because if he didn't you would make his life hell,he also looks after the kids as your incapable of looking after them yourself, you make him watch kids so you can play out with random strangers sitting in cars as you think that's a flex, he's hanging round with you because he's a fkn wet wipe ,he ain't a man he's your 3rd child as you have said many a time ,and whilst hes watching kids your still slagging men off that want fk all to do with you all over SM
And pretty sure some of them comments/ pages are down to her and her many accounts she made up that night bellend!

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
That's exactly why she's mentioned you and plastered you all over her social media, her following must have dropped big style
I really couldn't give a flying gallon bottle of fake tan what she says, or thinks tbh. Stick to facts, don't deal in lies.
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken twisted by knaves (or outsized Oompah Loompa's)to make a trap for fools

On another note, is it wrong that when I saw her orange and dark brown legs, all I could think about was not how alluring she was, but how I wanted to smash a dirty doner kebab with chilli sauce?

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
Sorry Paul looks like your her the only reason she is stating Paul is she actually knows his name to name and shame unlike Mr Collins! How embarrassing to "be" with someone for 9 months and not know them and have to take to public social media posts and not be embarrassed to ask for his name! But then shy off when the truth is "apparently" told to her! And again using us a cups for content if it wasn't for us you wouldn't have any content! You have bloked most of your genuine followers kk! Remind us a cups how many "followers" were in your live with your twin? That you slated around 6 months ago wouldn't leave you alone either! Men are not obsessed with you, we have seen the missed calls you keep sending Paul so we know you are sat chasing them, I put sat as we know you don't like the exercise other then running your mouth, we'll it's running your fingers when you type it for Instagram! Hush your gums luv because we all know you lying as your lips are moving