Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Apr 16, 2023
Oh so you’re a greedy landlord are you Karen. Contributing to the housing crisis are you Kazaa?

Do you sponge of your husband like the rest of the bored house wives? Because you’re here persistently too.

Where has anyone here defended Kayleigh. No one has, we’ve just called you all out on your bullshit. It’s common knowledge Kayleigh is a POS, but you all are too but you act like your own s don’t stink.
Hmmm is your landlord charging to much for your 1950s 2 up 2 down and what bullshit have you called 🤔 plenty of reciepts


May 29, 2023
That's your biggest concern from what you have read on here?
have I once said that? In fact I’ve said several times I don’t agree with Kayleigh’s actions, nor do I condone them.
But why should you all be able to get away with such slurs when all of you claim to have SEN or children with SEN. Frankly some of the comments have been disgusting.
Apr 12, 2023
Oh your hypocrisy, your ableist comments.
Oh your words, always the same in your comments.

Just to remind you you may still believe “we never know it’s you, because you change the way you speak”

We always know because you’re thick as s Kkk you can’t change the way you speak because that one brain cell always shows you up 💅

Ruby Onslow

Nov 13, 2023
I work thank you for asking, no benefits in this household. Own my own house (plus 2 others) and a car and pay for my holidays abroad multiple times each year, often flying business class. Hope you enjoyed your chilli. I enjoyed a tuna salad. Please continue to enjoy yourself here and try not to get so offended when strangers make comments about KK as the 2 of you are not affiliated...I dont think? Actually if you are wanting to protect / defend KKs name you are going the wrong way about it and actually just adding fuel to the already blazing fire. Just something to think about and reflect on hun.
I did enjoy the chilli Karen. No, no affiliation here, I am, alas, among the blocked.
If you care to look over my previous posts, I don't think you or I can claim to have defended any of her actions. Indeed at the beginning of my time here, I merely pointed out the pointlessness of mental Nikki's (oops autocorrect but won't bother to change that) live about Lou and Jodie's hypocrisy in being involved in a drugs intervention. Then I happily moved on to explain how kk wouldn't meet the threshold for child protection. Not a defense but a fact.
In fact I don't think I've even talked about kk for a long long time🤷 I'm just amused by the pack mentality on here. Yes call her out on throwing the toy at the child, absolutely. Yes not everyone agrees with OF, sure. No not every woman would have men they have only just met back to their house, but thousands do. And yes more fool her for putting it all online, but shouting the same thing over and over on here isn't going to change her and neither is ranting on about me being KK
Nov 13, 2023
I wonder what today's trigger was? Wonder if it was the mention of me speaking with FRIENDS (Trace and Andy) as I imagine having friends is a foreign concept to certain people on here. But it could have been any number of trivial things that a normal functioning person could cope with.
Oh Karen love, you have triggered no one but if it makes you feel better we can just pretend.
Apr 12, 2023
If you’re overweight and have big tits I’m sure he’ll love you back. Just don’t ask him to cook for you as his food looks entry level at best. Maybe buy him a Jamie Oliver cook book.
It’s so very uncomfortable reading the bitterness towards Paul.
You can get help with dealing with rejection Kkk, might help with your panic attacks too 😘
Nov 13, 2023
Oh your words, always the same in your comments.

Just to remind you you may still believe “we never know it’s you, because you change the way you speak”

We always know because you’re thick as s Kkk you can’t change the way you speak because that one brain cell always shows you up 💅
And you my love can’t change the fact you’re a nasty, sad and probably lonely no one.
Nov 13, 2023
It’s so uncomfortable reading the bitterness towards Paul, You can get help with dealing with rejection Kkk, might help with your panic attacks too 😘
So uncomfortable, do you want to point on the the doll where you’re hurting? I can give you the numbers of professionals who might be able to help you.
All you have to do is ask lovely, after all we are all just friends in here aren’t we.