Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 16, 2023
The thing that baffles me is that they both take drugs that are known to make you sleepy/slurry so why the hell do they take them and then go live?

No wonder people accuse them of taking other drugs.

Go on live then come off ,take your meds and then either go to bed or chill out off line🤦🏼‍♀️
All part of plan, same with way she speaks as soon as gets gift perks right up, all a game she is playing
Apr 30, 2023
So who is she going to blame now ste is locked up?

She is either going to have to go get her own drugs (not class a) or face a very very very nasty few days withdrawal, wonder how many days ste left for her?!

This will be the test if she is still off her face next week its down to her and not ste supplies.

We will genuinely see if she is her own worst enemy or if ste was the pill pusher!

He will be coming out clean from all drugs not just class a, he will also be methodone free, will she be clean when he comes out?

I'm sad to to say but I think not

Her bungalow is a mess she walks round with stick but everything is on the floor it's a trip hazard for a abiled person let alone a lou-abiled as she is one of kind I've never know someone like her! Her ailments change get worse daily, she goes from mumbled to being able to understand in a blink when someone gifts her!

She has put me off watching lately between the mumbled speech and horrible connection I make out 1 word every 10 mins, "tiktok creator" with no wifi, her connection is as stable as her life or as stable as her on her crutch (walking stick)
When she was opening a couple of parcels the other day she just threw the empty bags on the floor. She's a vile, disgusting woman.
Jun 21, 2023
He won't get off methadone in prison. 3 months isn't enough time. He'll come out spouting about how he's a changed "man" and maybe found god. Then back to square one
He'll be getting 3 hots and a cot over the coldest months of the year, people to spend Christmas around. He will most likely walk straight from his cell into a nicer home than the one he was given before he decided that his free accommodation, utilities and however many thousand £££ he gets given for existing wasn't enough and that he was entitled to the contents of people's cars.

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
Will he not be able to keep his property as its only 3 months and he could be out in less with tag, I'm sure when he was talking about it he said anything over 6 months and he would lose his flat?

I know there is more drugs in jail but money wise etc I don't think he will be on it there! Prisons get you off methodone a lot quicker than on the outside also, what does worry me is him coming out with a lower tollarance (as they won't be as free to him as outside) being back with lou and taking the "normal" amount they do and something bad happens as his body isn't used to it!

As lou has said in many many lives she is used to the amount she takes I think it was 900mg pre gablin which to a normal user is classed as a overdose, she said its fine and she regularly takes that much, and the I will have 2 random not knowing what they are could really do some damage as his body will not be as used to them due to the break,

I think we have some interesting times coming up, I just wish she came with subtitles the only words she doesn't mumble is swear words and thank yous for the gifts
Sep 6, 2023
Will he not be able to keep his property as its only 3 months and he could be out in less with tag, I'm sure when he was talking about it he said anything over 6 months and he would lose his flat?

I know there is more drugs in jail but money wise etc I don't think he will be on it there! Prisons get you off methodone a lot quicker than on the outside also, what does worry me is him coming out with a lower tollarance (as they won't be as free to him as outside) being back with lou and taking the "normal" amount they do and something bad happens as his body isn't used to it!

As lou has said in many many lives she is used to the amount she takes I think it was 900mg pre gablin which to a normal user is classed as a overdose, she said its fine and she regularly takes that much, and the I will have 2 random not knowing what they are could really do some damage as his body will not be as used to them due to the break,

I think we have some interesting times coming up, I just wish she came with subtitles the only words she doesn't mumble is swear words and thank yous for the gifts
How in the hell are they still alive. And they don't even realise how lucky they both are. I don't do drugs, I don't drink (I'm not a nice drunk, not cause I disapprove of drink) but I do smoke and that guilt of risking my own life and leaving my kids behind kills me. I just can't figure out how she justifies taking pills when that is the reason she lost her kids in the first place. She has no reason to celebrate being clean when all she has done is restart the cycle all over again. Whatever doctors have prescribed her painkillers should be charged. Jesus I find it hard enough to get a bloody antibiotic off my gp. I honestly have given up hope of her ever ever ever getting clean. She will be dead within 5 years
Apr 17, 2023
How in the hell are they still alive. And they don't even realise how lucky they both are. I don't do drugs, I don't drink (I'm not a nice drunk, not cause I disapprove of drink) but I do smoke and that guilt of risking my own life and leaving my kids behind kills me. I just can't figure out how she justifies taking pills when that is the reason she lost her kids in the first place. She has no reason to celebrate being clean when all she has done is restart the cycle all over again. Whatever doctors have prescribed her painkillers should be charged. Jesus I find it hard enough to get a bloody antibiotic off my gp. I honestly have given up hope of her ever ever ever getting clean. She will be dead within 5 years
I will Be surprised if she is still with us this time next year ( I probably am a horrible person for saying it).

she has said so many times lately that she doesn’t have anything to live for!

she knows full well that the kids are gone from her forever and now ste has gone she doesn’t actually have a reason for anything.

however if she took the pity poor me lenses from her eyes she will see that nothing is impossible. She has a roof over her head, money for doing nothing and all the help and resources laid out on a plate for her. She just needs to want to help her life


May 3, 2023
This is what I’m interested to see. Theres no one to hide behind now!
It'll be those nasty trolls / missing her kids around christmas. Those of you who drink, take a shot every time she says "am really strugglin right now".
I will Be surprised if she is still with us this time next year ( I probably am a horrible person for saying it).
Completely agree with this. She's already looking at a mobility scooter, so she'll move even less, not even waddling to the chemist. She's probably doubled in size over the last 18 months. She's taking a heavy dose of methadone, other depressants, and stimulants - there'll be a lot of strain on the heart. You can see the decline in real time. And all of this is optional. She chose this. It boggles the mind.

@Ispy - for christs sakes, sort your daughter out or you're gonna lose her.
Sep 6, 2023
Lou’s live yesterday really boiled ma piss the way she was opening parcels and then had tha cheek to ask for gifts.. fing piss taker.. and her blowing out kisses makes me wanna Disinfect maself in bleach 🫠
What gifts was she asking for? I've stopped watching her cause num 1 I can't understand half of what the boring b is mumbling about and 2 I end up angry from her selfish entitled ways
Apr 16, 2023
What gifts was she asking for? I've stopped watching her cause num 1 I can't understand half of what the boring b is mumbling about and 2 I end up angry from her selfish entitled ways
She was asking people to help her reach a gift goal on TikTok...whilst opening even more clothes that she’s bought online because she seems incapable of using a washing machine.
Aug 29, 2023
Knowing how filthy her bedding is probably a bed bug 😖
On one of her lives a few days ago I think it was roughly, she picked up a bill in her bedroom and went 'Err a creature just jumped out of that' 🤢 probably cans of juice and food wrappers lying about along with all the mess and clutter...the Bungalou is probably an Insects dream home 😬🤣🤮
Apr 17, 2023
Think these are backwards but aye lolllll
IMG_5615.png IMG_5614.png
Why was she scared? She knew that ste was definitely going to prison so it wasn’t a shock and he will be out as soon as you like!

who the hell is she blaming for her necking pregabs last night then?

who cares what ste spent his begged money on. That’s nothing to do with her and I don’t think that she is being blamed for that.