Lou @Lifewithloux

Aug 29, 2023
Lou suddenly woke up, said ' I just remembered last time I ordered McDonald's, not that ordered my tonight' then fell asleep again 🤣🤣
She's just got into bed now. How can you eat pizza, chips and garlic mayo then get into bed without even so much as brushing your teeth and washing your hands. Still got the garlic mayo round her mouth 🤮🤢😬 and hadn't moved from the bed between starting to eat the takeaway and falling asleep on her live so the pizza box etc and any food she's not finished must be still on the bed
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Apr 17, 2023
She said last night ste is out and she'd been talking to him
I don’t think he would be out so quick!

hes only been in for 3 weeks.

she was probably on the wind up knowing her

does she honestly think all her regular viewers are stupid or something!!!! There is no way in hell last night was her just being tired. That was a flashback to when she was using and not admitting it
May 26, 2023
I don’t think he would be out so quick!

hes only been in for 3 weeks.

she was probably on the wind up knowing her

does she honestly think all her regular viewers are stupid or something!!!! There is no way in hell last night was her just being tired. That was a flashback to when she was using and not admitting it
That was definitely her on pregabs again. Couldn't stay conscious, could finish a sentence
Apr 30, 2023
She's just got into bed now. How can you eat pizza, chips and garlic mayo then get into bed without even so much as brushing your teeth and washing your hands. Still got the garlic mayo round her mouth 🤮🤢😬 and hadn't moved from the bed between starting to eat the takeaway and falling asleep on her live so the pizza box etc and any food she's not finished must be still on the bed
She's one dirty b, but it's good to see she's back to her doped up crying self 🤣
Sep 6, 2023
I don’t think he would be out so quick!

hes only been in for 3 weeks.

she was probably on the wind up knowing her

does she honestly think all her regular viewers are stupid or something!!!! There is no way in hell last night was her just being tired. That was a flashback to when she was using and not admitting it
People were asking was he tagged and has he been round and all she would say was no comment. Is she clever enough to plan ahead and think "if I say I was talking to ste I could get off my face and people will say it's his fault"
Jun 21, 2023
Lous live...She's bought pjs that are too small. Sat wearing the bottoms saying can I take them back to Asda? I have the receipt. The comments are saying return them. Lou says I better take the pj bottoms off then but still sat in them about to eat a takeaway 🤢 imagine returning them after she's worn them. They probably stink of smoke too and god knows what else 😱 Imagine the poor person that buys those pjs if Asda puts them back out for sale after she returns them 😳😬🤮
Free dose of crabs with their (not so) new pjs
Apr 24, 2023
FWO is a trouble maker. I leave everytime she joins her lives. She has previously called out a girl who had lost her children and were in care yet this girl fought and got her children back and here she is defending a druggy tramp who has no interest in her own children. Bought herself a load of crap she didn't need then moaning last night she still has to buy the kids for Christmas. FWO is clearly in her ear bad mouthing everyone and little innocent lou is listening to her. Funny how FWO has her PayPal in her bio also. My mind will never be changed regarding lou. People can try and help her all they want but there is no changing her or her greedy ways
Aug 29, 2023
All you ever hear from Lou is I'm struggling at the moment, im vulnerable, my mental health's really bad. Earlier she said you don't know what iv been through. As if she's the only one that's ever had any troubles. Then crying cos without tiktok she's alone cos she has nobody and no friends. What annoys me is she's in that position because of her own choices and actions. She's the only person who can change her life but she won't cos she would rather wait for someone to do it for her which is never going to happen. Rather than sit crying on live why not turn it off and go and actually try to better herself. She won't because that takes effort...takes effort to come off drugs, fight for her kids, go out and make some friends, clean her house...none of it is done cos she's too lazy. This I'm vulnerable thing she keeps saying...she's not really vulnerable in my opinion. Also, vulnerable people tend not to realise they are actually vulnerable. Lou just uses the word to try and get people to feel sorry for her or as an excuse for something she's said or done to try and get herself off the hook. She's vile. The pity party earlier this evening (only caught bits of her live) was pathetic. It's never Lou's fault, she's always the victim 🙄 what bullshit. Needs to take responsibility and go get herself a life instead of waiting for someone to do it for her. Iv have never seen a more pathetic person.