Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

You make daily ai jpegs I was prob clicking via them, no idea.

think you’re banging your head on a brick wall here.
I haven’t posted since Saturday early morning. That’s bull. You know what you’re doing

Yeah, because you’re as dense as a brick wall. But I will stand up for others with EDS who are being invalidated by scum like yourself. I couldn’t give a do if I’m wasting my time, hopefully others who read what I say, will have some insight to a condition most people haven’t heard of
I replied to you so you’d have got a notification.

Why are you continuing to detail this thread it’s not relevant. Do you want people to join in with you on disliking me and my comments? not going to carry on discussing her but just Look at her comments on her content over last 2 years.

And I’m not sure when I’ve looked at your profile but I do apologise I won’t again. If you remove me I won’t see the stories to click on?
As you think I’m stalking you, just did a little mooch round. Why are you asking admin to doxx information on 2 accounts that don’t like you in here? 😭
Feb 28, 2024
I’m weird? You were asking bout IP addresses of 2 accounts that aren’t up your arse 😭
Yeah my opinion is I’m curious to know it it’s a regular that did that as it’s quite strange behaviour. That’s been frequently commented on in the main thread when it’s happened before.

Thought police seem to have covered all my comments over last 24 hours hopefully you’re mission is complete
Yeah my opinion is I’m curious to know it it’s a regular that did that as it’s quite strange behaviour. That’s been frequently commented on in the main thread when it’s happened before.

Thought police seem to have covered all my comments over last 24 hours hopefully you’re mission is complete
Why don’t you stick a list of my behaviours through your work computer and analyse it 😂
Feb 28, 2024
@deadwood sorry deadwood
season 6 netflix GIF by Gilmore Girls
oh piss off you don’t own this forum billy big bollocks!Stoo trying to act the gaffa on here. Actually i should have tagged all over you over there🖕🏻i think you’ll also find that’s not what i said is it now you little bullshitter. My comments are still the fas again..funny eq days all that and there’s loads of you on tiktok that have reposted what angie has said again 🤦🏻‍♀️nowt about eq though as there. Now do off and don’t reply to me again u gobby little t
I don't normally venture out off the angie thread but here goes...So your probably referring too me i posted in her thread when she said the slur purely because smiles had said "angie would never say words like that and she has never used such terms" well that was a lie so i posted the video from my account that has been there for a while. I was listening to eq via angie's i dont watch eq, like i said in the angie thread none of those platforms could call each other out because they are all twats and all say bad s. The day after when it came to them calling each other out they continued to sue the slurs angie even said a woman was acting like one in her box..I usually only reposted what I'm sent or tagged in. I don't go out of my way to look for things and I've hardly been about since Thursday because my son broke his arm!

I choose what i watch and what i want too call out not random people on a bloody thread
Feb 28, 2024
what the hell is going on in angies. Who’s said what now? also was red a no show today? i checked at about 10.15 and she wasn’t on, what’s she avoiding this time
I have cured myself of watching her. I feel like the last 2 or so months ramped up to a level of daily hate speech and awful behaviour that my Jeremy Kyle loving brain cells exploded. I can only IMAGINE what she is saying today. Isnt it crazy that all these months since I watched her - shes done NOTHING. aall the places ive been, boring admin, work, going out ive done, shes been doign the sam thing daily. the only difference theres more sick and wine on the floor. its unfathomable that she lives that way.
Feb 28, 2024
bots in the comments so he switched to sub chat only. He was very abusive in his live stream and called it 'reactive abuse' to justify his behaviour.
Oh that’s a new one! Fabulous. Quite often DV perpetrators say that as a get out clause. What was his topic of choice? He mentions the lady he financially groomed had “popped up again”. Was quite funny he was like I wish they’d talk about something else. Yeah mate I bet you do.
Do you know what his 15 years experience was in I didn’t catch that absolute comedy gold


Apr 6, 2024
Marks & Sparks
I have cured myself of watching her. I feel like the last 2 or so months ramped up to a level of daily hate speech and awful behaviour that my Jeremy Kyle loving brain cells exploded. I can only IMAGINE what she is saying today. Isnt it crazy that all these months since I watched her - shes done NOTHING. aall the places ive been, boring admin, work, going out ive done, shes been doign the sam thing daily. the only difference theres more sick and wine on the floor. its unfathomable that she lives that way.
it's a huge relief when you unfollow some of these creators. these days if I end up in Angie's live stream it's usually because someone I follow is in the box (to defend themselves).