Did you see Fact Freaks live? They sent him a cake that was laced with lacitives!! I think he has a right to be a bit sassy!! He paid the money back what more do they want this happened over a year ago and still keep being outed for the same thing its bordline obsessive now! Even FF didn't want to look into it further as the woman was saying she would edit videos etc and after several requests she still did not provide the evidence. They have been going round several other creators and the only person who would give a platform was racist Pearl! Who is friends with miss red.
So what he didn't get on Eastenders we all know that, he gets that thrown in his face all the time.
He does create, he does alot for his followers, he does treasure boxes, gifts free subs, give aways for his subs tbh he's one of the only creators that do that!