Ok asking for some clarity as it’s literally frying my brain
right now. Clearly need to go outside and touch some grass. This is from memory so forgive me if I get anything wrong;
- Originally Lisa Marie said Cockerpoo was a special guardian that placed her children in a situation where they were harmed because she recognised her voice. She couldn’t supply evidence because of court going ons.
- She then released enough information via comments and lives for people to connect Jenny Blackshaw, Mental Health NHS Worker as being the person in question (aka Cockerpoo).
- The message that was debunked but has now been undebunked says “It was never my job…”
- It is now being said that Cockerpoo is actually Lisa Marie’s Ex Aunt.
Therefore the Ex’s Aunt and the children’s special guardian.
So my question is if Cockerpoo is both the Aunt and a special guardian would she be involved in a case that involved those children in a professional capacity or would that be a conflict of interest?